C# Class ByChance.Levels3D.Chunk3D

Main building block that makes up a 3D level, providing extents, position and rotation.

Chunks are created based on pre-defined chunk templates and define the positions of all contexts and anchors associated with the chunk, as well as attributes that are required for the level generation process such as the probability of a chunk being picked to be added next.

Inheritance: ByChance.Core.Chunk
Mostra file Open project: npruehs/bychance

Public Methods

Method Description
Chunk3D ( ChunkTemplate chunkTemplate ) : System

Constructs a new chunk with a reference to the passed chunk template, using that template's width, height and depth and performing deep copies of the lists of contexts and anchors of that template.

ToString ( ) : string

Returns the position of this chunk within the level as string.

Private Methods

Method Description
Rotate ( ) : bool

Rotates this chunk according to the following rules: The chunk is rotated by 90° around the y-axis. If the chunk has been rotated by 360° around the y-axis, it is rotated by 90° around the x-axis after. If the chunk has been rotated by 360° around the x-axis, it is rotated by 90° around the z-axis after. The positions of all contexts are changed accordingly, and width, height and depth are switched as appropriate.

RotateX ( ) : bool

Rotates this chunk by 90° around the x-axis, changing the positions of all contexts and switching height and depth. If the chunk has been rotated by 360° around the x-axis, it is rotated by 90° around the z-axis after.

RotateY ( ) : bool

Rotates this chunk by 90° around the y-axis, changing the positions of all contexts and switching width and depth. If the chunk has been rotated by 360° around the y-axis, it is rotated by 90° around the x-axis after.

RotateZ ( ) : bool

Rotates this chunk by 90° around the z-axis, changing the positions of all contexts and switching width and height.

SetPosition ( Vector3F position ) : void

Sets the position of this chunk within the level and changes the relative positions of all anchors of this chunk to match its rotation.

Method Details

Chunk3D() public method

Constructs a new chunk with a reference to the passed chunk template, using that template's width, height and depth and performing deep copies of the lists of contexts and anchors of that template.
is null. Passed template is not of the type .
public Chunk3D ( ChunkTemplate chunkTemplate ) : System
chunkTemplate ByChance.Core.ChunkTemplate Chunk template the new chunk will be based on.
return System

ToString() public method

Returns the position of this chunk within the level as string.
public ToString ( ) : string
return string