C# Class BrightIdeasSoftware.FastObjectListDataSource

Inheritance: BrightIdeasSoftware.AbstractVirtualListDataSource
Mostra file Open project: ennerperez/ObjectListView Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
AddObjects ( ICollection modelObjects ) : void

ApplyFilters ( IModelFilter iModelFilter, IListFilter iListFilter ) : void

Apply the given filters to this data source. One or both may be null.

FastObjectListDataSource ( FastObjectListView listView ) : System

Create a FastObjectListDataSource

GetNthObject ( int n ) : object

Get n'th object

GetObjectCount ( ) : int

How many items are in the data source

GetObjectIndex ( object model ) : int

Get the index of the given model

InsertObjects ( int index, ICollection modelObjects ) : void

RemoveObjects ( ICollection modelObjects ) : void

Remove the given collection of models from this source.

SearchText ( string text, int first, int last, BrightIdeasSoftware.OLVColumn column ) : int

SetObjects ( IEnumerable collection ) : void

Sort ( BrightIdeasSoftware.OLVColumn column, SortOrder sortOrder ) : void

UpdateObject ( int index, object modelObject ) : void

Update/replace the nth object with the given object

Protected Methods

Method Description
FilterObjects ( ) : void

Build our filtered list from our full list.

RebuildIndexMap ( ) : void

Rebuild the map that remembers which model object is displayed at which line

Method Details

AddObjects() public method

public AddObjects ( ICollection modelObjects ) : void
modelObjects ICollection
return void

ApplyFilters() public method

Apply the given filters to this data source. One or both may be null.
public ApplyFilters ( IModelFilter iModelFilter, IListFilter iListFilter ) : void
iModelFilter IModelFilter
iListFilter IListFilter
return void

FastObjectListDataSource() public method

Create a FastObjectListDataSource
public FastObjectListDataSource ( FastObjectListView listView ) : System
listView FastObjectListView
return System

FilterObjects() protected method

Build our filtered list from our full list.
protected FilterObjects ( ) : void
return void

GetNthObject() public method

Get n'th object
public GetNthObject ( int n ) : object
n int
return object

GetObjectCount() public method

How many items are in the data source
public GetObjectCount ( ) : int
return int

GetObjectIndex() public method

Get the index of the given model
public GetObjectIndex ( object model ) : int
model object
return int

InsertObjects() public method

public InsertObjects ( int index, ICollection modelObjects ) : void
index int
modelObjects ICollection
return void

RebuildIndexMap() protected method

Rebuild the map that remembers which model object is displayed at which line
protected RebuildIndexMap ( ) : void
return void

RemoveObjects() public method

Remove the given collection of models from this source.
public RemoveObjects ( ICollection modelObjects ) : void
modelObjects ICollection
return void

SearchText() public method

public SearchText ( string text, int first, int last, BrightIdeasSoftware.OLVColumn column ) : int
text string
first int
last int
column BrightIdeasSoftware.OLVColumn
return int

SetObjects() public method

public SetObjects ( IEnumerable collection ) : void
collection IEnumerable
return void

Sort() public method

public Sort ( BrightIdeasSoftware.OLVColumn column, SortOrder sortOrder ) : void
column BrightIdeasSoftware.OLVColumn
sortOrder SortOrder
return void

UpdateObject() public method

Update/replace the nth object with the given object
public UpdateObject ( int index, object modelObject ) : void
index int
modelObject object
return void