C# Class Bamboo.Prevalence.Indexing.SearchHit

A single item returned from a search.
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Public Methods

Method Description
Clone ( ) : SearchHit

Creates a clone from this object.

Combine ( SearchHit other ) : void

combines two search hits that refer to the same record. all the extended properties such as ranking and index specific information should be combined.

SearchHit ( IRecord record ) : System

creates a new object for the record passed as argument.

Method Details

Clone() public method

Creates a clone from this object.
public Clone ( ) : SearchHit
return SearchHit

Combine() public method

combines two search hits that refer to the same record. all the extended properties such as ranking and index specific information should be combined.
public Combine ( SearchHit other ) : void
other SearchHit the SearchHit that /// should be combined to this one
return void

SearchHit() public method

creates a new object for the record passed as argument.
public SearchHit ( IRecord record ) : System
record IRecord a record
return System