C# Class BF2Statistics.Notify

Notify is a class that queues and shows Alert "toast" messages to the user, which spawn just above the task bar, in the lower right hand side of the screen
Mostra file Open project: BF2Statistics/ControlCenter Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
DefaultDockTime int

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
Alerts Queue

Public Methods

Method Description
Show ( string Message, string SubText, AlertType Type = AlertType.Info ) : void

Shows a custom Toast message with the specified icon

Protected Methods

Method Description
CheckAlerts ( ) : void

This method is called internally to determine if a new alert can be shown from the alert queue.

Private Methods

Method Description
AlertClosed ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Event is fired whenever a Toast alert is closed. This method is responsible for displaying the next queued alert message

Notify ( ) : System

Static Constructor

Method Details

CheckAlerts() protected static method

This method is called internally to determine if a new alert can be shown from the alert queue.
protected static CheckAlerts ( ) : void
return void

Show() public static method

Shows a custom Toast message with the specified icon
public static Show ( string Message, string SubText, AlertType Type = AlertType.Info ) : void
Message string
SubText string
Type AlertType
return void

Property Details

Alerts protected_oe static_oe property

A queue of alerts to display. Alerts are added here to prevent too many alerts from showing at once
protected static Queue Alerts
return Queue

DefaultDockTime public_oe static_oe property

Gets or Sets the default dock time of an alert, if one is not specified in the ShowAlert method
public static int DefaultDockTime
return int