C# Class Axiom.SceneManagers.Octree.OctreeNode

Summary description for OctreeNode.
Inheritance: Axiom.Core.SceneNode
Mostra file Open project: WolfgangSt/axiom Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
Colors long[]
Indexes short[]
green long
localAABB Axiom.MathLib.AxisAlignedBox
octant Axiom.SceneManagers.Octree.Octree

Public Methods

Method Description
AddToRenderQueue ( Camera cam, RenderQueue queue ) : void

Adds all the attached scenenodes to the render queue.

IsInBox ( Axiom.MathLib.AxisAlignedBox box ) : bool

Determines if the center of this node is within the given box.

OctreeNode ( SceneManager scene ) : System
OctreeNode ( SceneManager scene, string name ) : System

Protected Methods

Method Description
RemoveChild ( Node child, bool removeFromInternalList ) : void

Removes the specified node from the scene graph and the octree, optionally keeping it in the internal node list yet. For internal use.

Removes all of the node's child subtree from the octree, but children remain linked to parents.

RemoveNodesFromOctree ( OctreeNode baseNode ) : void

Removes the specified node and all of it's child subtree from the octree, but not from the scene graph.

This iterates the whole node tree starting from the specified node and removes them from octree partitions, but doesn't remove them from the scene graph.

UpdateBounds ( ) : void

Same as SceneNode, only it doesn't care about children...

Method Details

AddToRenderQueue() public method

Adds all the attached scenenodes to the render queue.
public AddToRenderQueue ( Camera cam, RenderQueue queue ) : void
cam Axiom.Core.Camera
queue Axiom.Graphics.RenderQueue
return void

IsInBox() public method

Determines if the center of this node is within the given box.
public IsInBox ( Axiom.MathLib.AxisAlignedBox box ) : bool
box Axiom.MathLib.AxisAlignedBox
return bool

OctreeNode() public method

public OctreeNode ( SceneManager scene ) : System
scene Axiom.Core.SceneManager
return System

OctreeNode() public method

public OctreeNode ( SceneManager scene, string name ) : System
scene Axiom.Core.SceneManager
name string
return System

RemoveChild() protected method

Removes the specified node from the scene graph and the octree, optionally keeping it in the internal node list yet. For internal use.
Removes all of the node's child subtree from the octree, but children remain linked to parents.
protected RemoveChild ( Node child, bool removeFromInternalList ) : void
child Axiom.Core.Node
removeFromInternalList bool
return void

RemoveNodesFromOctree() protected method

Removes the specified node and all of it's child subtree from the octree, but not from the scene graph.
This iterates the whole node tree starting from the specified node and removes them from octree partitions, but doesn't remove them from the scene graph.
protected RemoveNodesFromOctree ( OctreeNode baseNode ) : void
baseNode OctreeNode
return void

UpdateBounds() protected method

Same as SceneNode, only it doesn't care about children...
protected UpdateBounds ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

Colors protected_oe property

protected long[] Colors
return long[]

Indexes protected_oe property

protected short[] Indexes
return short[]

green protected_oe static_oe property

protected static long green
return long

localAABB protected_oe property

protected AxisAlignedBox,Axiom.MathLib localAABB
return Axiom.MathLib.AxisAlignedBox

octant protected_oe property

protected Octree,Axiom.SceneManagers.Octree octant
return Axiom.SceneManagers.Octree.Octree