C# Class Axiom.Input.MouseEventArgs

Events args for mouse input events.
Inheritance: Axiom.Input.InputEventArgs
Mostra file Open project: WolfgangSt/axiom Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
button MouseButtons
relativeX float
relativeY float
relativeZ float
x float
y float
z float

Public Methods

Method Description
MouseEventArgs ( MouseButtons button, ModifierKeys modifiers, float x, float y, float z ) : System


MouseEventArgs ( MouseButtons button, ModifierKeys modifiers, float x, float y, float z, float relX, float relY, float relZ ) : System


Method Details

MouseEventArgs() public method

public MouseEventArgs ( MouseButtons button, ModifierKeys modifiers, float x, float y, float z ) : System
button MouseButtons Mouse button pressed.
modifiers ModifierKeys Any modifier keys that are down.
x float Mouse X position.
y float Mouse Y position.
z float Mouse Z position.
return System

MouseEventArgs() public method

public MouseEventArgs ( MouseButtons button, ModifierKeys modifiers, float x, float y, float z, float relX, float relY, float relZ ) : System
button MouseButtons Mouse button pressed.
modifiers ModifierKeys Any modifier keys that are down.
x float Mouse X position.
y float Mouse Y position.
z float Mouse Z position.
relX float Relative mouse X position.
relY float Relative mouse Y position.
relZ float Relative mouse Z position.
return System

Property Details

button protected_oe property

Mouse button pressed during this event.
protected MouseButtons button
return MouseButtons

relativeX protected_oe property

Relative X coordinate of the mouse.
protected float relativeX
return float

relativeY protected_oe property

Relative Y coordinate of the mouse.
protected float relativeY
return float

relativeZ protected_oe property

Relative Z coordinate of the mouse.
protected float relativeZ
return float

x protected_oe property

X coordinate of the mouse.
protected float x
return float

y protected_oe property

Y coordinate of the mouse.
protected float y
return float

z protected_oe property

Z coordinate of the mouse.
protected float z
return float