C# Class Avalon.Network.SocketClient

Mostra file Open project: mabinogidev/mabinogi-development Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
Account Account
Character Avalon.PrimaryType.Character
IPAddress string
SelectedChar int
SessionID int
WServer bool
WSquare Square
access int

Public Methods

Method Description
Disconnect ( ) : void

Terminates the current socket and removes it from the client list.

Ping ( ) : void
SocketClient ( SocketServer mainSock ) : System

Stores a reference to the clients socket.

Method Details

Disconnect() public method

Terminates the current socket and removes it from the client list.
public Disconnect ( ) : void
return void

Ping() public method

public Ping ( ) : void
return void

SocketClient() public method

Stores a reference to the clients socket.
public SocketClient ( SocketServer mainSock ) : System
mainSock SocketServer
return System

Property Details

Account public_oe property

public Account Account
return Account

Character public_oe property

public Character,Avalon.PrimaryType Character
return Avalon.PrimaryType.Character

IPAddress public_oe property

public string IPAddress
return string

SelectedChar public_oe property

public int SelectedChar
return int

SessionID public_oe property

public int SessionID
return int

WServer public_oe property

public bool WServer
return bool

WSquare public_oe property

public Square WSquare
return Square

access public_oe property

public int access
return int