C# Class Amazon.DynamoDBv2.Model.TableDescription

Contains the properties of a table.

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Public Methods

Method Description
TableDescription ( ) : System

Empty constructor used to set properties independently even when a simple constructor is available

Private Methods

Method Description
IsSetAttributeDefinitions ( ) : bool
IsSetCreationDateTime ( ) : bool
IsSetGlobalSecondaryIndexes ( ) : bool
IsSetItemCount ( ) : bool
IsSetKeySchema ( ) : bool
IsSetLatestStreamArn ( ) : bool
IsSetLatestStreamLabel ( ) : bool
IsSetLocalSecondaryIndexes ( ) : bool
IsSetProvisionedThroughput ( ) : bool
IsSetStreamSpecification ( ) : bool
IsSetTableArn ( ) : bool
IsSetTableName ( ) : bool
IsSetTableSizeBytes ( ) : bool
IsSetTableStatus ( ) : bool

Method Details

TableDescription() public method

Empty constructor used to set properties independently even when a simple constructor is available
public TableDescription ( ) : System
return System