C# Class Alexandria.Engines.DarkSouls.StringArchive

A collection of strings indexed by ids.
Inheritance: Asset
Mostra file Open project: Burton-Radons/Alexandria Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Browse ( Action progressUpdateCallback = null ) : Control

Browse the string archive as a data grid.

FillContextMenu ( ContextMenuStrip strip ) : void

Add an item to save the string archive to disk.

Private Methods

Method Description
StringArchive ( AssetManager manager, BinaryReader reader, string name, long length ) : System

Method Details

Browse() public method

Browse the string archive as a data grid.
public Browse ( Action progressUpdateCallback = null ) : Control
progressUpdateCallback Action
return System.Windows.Forms.Control

FillContextMenu() public method

Add an item to save the string archive to disk.
public FillContextMenu ( ContextMenuStrip strip ) : void
strip System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenuStrip
return void