C# Class tk2dGuiUtility, Malisse

Mostra file Open project: Collegiennes/Malisse

Public Methods

Method Description
BeginChangeCheck ( ) : void
DragableHandle ( int id, Rect windowRect, float offset, DragDirection, direction ) : float
EndChangeCheck ( ) : bool
InfoBox ( string message, WarningLevel warningLevel ) : void

Display a warning box in the current GUI layout. This is expanded to fit the current GUILayout rect.

InfoBoxWithButtons ( string message, WarningLevel warningLevel ) : int

Displays a warning box in the current GUI layout, with buttons. Returns the index of button pressed, or -1 otherwise.

PlatformPopup ( tk2dSystem system, string label, string platform ) : string
PositionHandle ( int id, Vector2 position, float size, Color inactiveColor, Color activeColor ) : Vector2
PositionHandle ( int id, Vector2 position, float size, Color inactiveColor, Color activeColor, KeyCode, &keyCode ) : Vector2
SaveFileInProject ( string title, string directory, string filename, string ext ) : string
SetPositionHandleValue ( int id, Vector2 val ) : void

Method Details

BeginChangeCheck() public static method

public static BeginChangeCheck ( ) : void
return void

DragableHandle() public static method

public static DragableHandle ( int id, Rect windowRect, float offset, DragDirection, direction ) : float
id int
windowRect Rect
offset float
direction DragDirection,
return float

EndChangeCheck() public static method

public static EndChangeCheck ( ) : bool
return bool

InfoBox() public static method

Display a warning box in the current GUI layout. This is expanded to fit the current GUILayout rect.
public static InfoBox ( string message, WarningLevel warningLevel ) : void
message string
warningLevel WarningLevel
return void

InfoBoxWithButtons() public static method

Displays a warning box in the current GUI layout, with buttons. Returns the index of button pressed, or -1 otherwise.
public static InfoBoxWithButtons ( string message, WarningLevel warningLevel ) : int
message string
warningLevel WarningLevel
return int

PlatformPopup() public static method

public static PlatformPopup ( tk2dSystem system, string label, string platform ) : string
system tk2dSystem
label string
platform string
return string

PositionHandle() public static method

public static PositionHandle ( int id, Vector2 position, float size, Color inactiveColor, Color activeColor ) : Vector2
id int
position Vector2
size float
inactiveColor Color
activeColor Color
return Vector2

PositionHandle() public static method

public static PositionHandle ( int id, Vector2 position, float size, Color inactiveColor, Color activeColor, KeyCode, &keyCode ) : Vector2
id int
position Vector2
size float
inactiveColor Color
activeColor Color
keyCode KeyCode,
return Vector2

SaveFileInProject() public static method

public static SaveFileInProject ( string title, string directory, string filename, string ext ) : string
title string
directory string
filename string
ext string
return string

SetPositionHandleValue() public static method

public static SetPositionHandleValue ( int id, Vector2 val ) : void
id int
val Vector2
return void