C# Class UserInteractedWithItemEvent, space-station-14

Raised on the user after they do any sort of interaction with an item, useful for when you want a component on the user to do something to the item. E.g. forensics, disease, etc.
Inheritance: EntityEventArgs
Mostra file Open project: space-wizards/space-station-14 Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
Item EntityUid,
User EntityUid,

Public Methods

Method Description
UserInteractedWithItemEvent ( EntityUid, user, EntityUid, item )

Method Details

UserInteractedWithItemEvent() public method

public UserInteractedWithItemEvent ( EntityUid, user, EntityUid, item )
user EntityUid,
item EntityUid,

Property Details

Item public_oe property

public EntityUid, Item
return EntityUid,

User public_oe property

public EntityUid, User
return EntityUid,