C# Class UIPanelBase, marblemadness

Inheritance: MonoBehaviour, IUIContainer, IUIObject
Mostra file Open project: MtvnGames/marblemadness Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
deactivateAllOnDismiss bool
detargetOnDisable bool
index int

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
changeDelegate EZValueChangedDelegate
childPanels EZLinkedList>
container IUIContainer
dragDropDelegate EZDragDropDelegate
inputDelegate EZInputDelegate
m_controlIsEnabled bool
m_started bool
prevTransIndex int
prevTransition EZTransition
tempTransCompleteDel TransitionCompleteDelegate
uiObjs EZLinkedList>

Public Methods

Method Description
AddChild ( GameObject go ) : void
AddDragDropDelegate ( EZDragDropDelegate del ) : void

Adds a delegate to be called with drag and drop notifications.

AddInputDelegate ( EZInputDelegate del ) : void
AddSubject ( GameObject go ) : void

Adds a GameObject as a subject of this panel's transitions.

AddTempTransitionDelegate ( TransitionCompleteDelegate del ) : void

Temporarily adds a delegate to be called when the next transition completes. This will be unset after it is called.

AddValueChangedDelegate ( EZValueChangedDelegate del ) : void
BringIn ( ) : void

Brings in the panel by playing its "Bring In Forward" transition.

CancelDrag ( ) : void
CompareIndices ( UIPanelBase, a, UIPanelBase, b ) : int
Dismiss ( ) : void

Dismisses the panel by playing its "Dismiss Forward" transition.

DragUpdatePosition ( POINTER_INFO, ptr ) : void
GetControl ( POINTER_INFO, &ptr ) : IUIObject
GetTransition ( UIPanelManager, transition ) : EZTransition

Returns a reference to the specified transition.

GetTransition ( int index ) : EZTransition

Returns a reference to the transition at the specified index.

GetTransition ( string transName ) : EZTransition

Returns a reference to the specified transition.

GetTransitionNames ( ) : string[]
GotFocus ( ) : bool
MakeChild ( GameObject go ) : void

Makes the specified GameObject a child of this panel, including making it a child of the panel's transform.

OnEZDragDrop_Internal ( EZDragDropParams, parms ) : void

Receives regular notification of drag & drop events pertaining to this object when an object is being dragged. This is called on potential drop targets when an object is dragged over them. It is also called on the object(s) being dragged/dropped.

OnInput ( POINTER_INFO, ptr ) : void
RemoveChild ( GameObject go ) : void
RemoveDragDropDelegate ( EZDragDropDelegate del ) : void

Removes a delegate from the list of those to be called with drag and drop notifications.

RemoveInputDelegate ( EZInputDelegate del ) : void
RemoveSubject ( GameObject go ) : void

Removes a GameObject as a subjects of this panel's transitions.

RemoveValueChangedDelegate ( EZValueChangedDelegate del ) : void
RequestContainership ( IUIContainer cont ) : bool
ScanChildren ( ) : void
SetDragDropDelegate ( EZDragDropDelegate del ) : void

Sets the delegate to be called with drag and drop notifications. NOTE: This will replace any previously registered delegates.

SetInputDelegate ( EZInputDelegate del ) : void
SetValueChangedDelegate ( EZValueChangedDelegate del ) : void
Start ( ) : void
StartTransition ( UIPanelManager, mode ) : void

Starts one of the panel's "bring in" or "dismiss" transitions.

StartTransition ( string transName ) : void

Starts the transition matching the specified name (case-insensitive).

TransitionCompleted ( EZTransition transition ) : void

Protected Methods

Method Description
OnDisable ( ) : void
SetupTransitionSubjects ( ) : void

Method Details

AddChild() public method

public AddChild ( GameObject go ) : void
go GameObject
return void

AddDragDropDelegate() public method

Adds a delegate to be called with drag and drop notifications.
public AddDragDropDelegate ( EZDragDropDelegate del ) : void
del EZDragDropDelegate The delegate to add.
return void

AddInputDelegate() public method

public AddInputDelegate ( EZInputDelegate del ) : void
del EZInputDelegate
return void

AddSubject() public method

Adds a GameObject as a subject of this panel's transitions.
public AddSubject ( GameObject go ) : void
go GameObject GameObject to be added as a subject.
return void

AddTempTransitionDelegate() public method

Temporarily adds a delegate to be called when the next transition completes. This will be unset after it is called.
public AddTempTransitionDelegate ( TransitionCompleteDelegate del ) : void
del TransitionCompleteDelegate Delegate to be called.
return void

AddValueChangedDelegate() public method

public AddValueChangedDelegate ( EZValueChangedDelegate del ) : void
del EZValueChangedDelegate
return void

BringIn() public method

Brings in the panel by playing its "Bring In Forward" transition.
public BringIn ( ) : void
return void

CancelDrag() public method

public CancelDrag ( ) : void
return void

CompareIndices() public static method

public static CompareIndices ( UIPanelBase, a, UIPanelBase, b ) : int
a UIPanelBase,
b UIPanelBase,
return int

Dismiss() public method

Dismisses the panel by playing its "Dismiss Forward" transition.
public Dismiss ( ) : void
return void

DragUpdatePosition() public method

public DragUpdatePosition ( POINTER_INFO, ptr ) : void
return void

GetControl() public method

public GetControl ( POINTER_INFO, &ptr ) : IUIObject
return IUIObject

GetTransition() public method

Returns a reference to the specified transition.
public GetTransition ( UIPanelManager, transition ) : EZTransition
transition UIPanelManager, The enum identifying the transition to retrieve.
return EZTransition

GetTransition() public method

Returns a reference to the transition at the specified index.
public GetTransition ( int index ) : EZTransition
index int The zero-based index of the transition to retrieve.
return EZTransition

GetTransition() public method

Returns a reference to the specified transition.
public GetTransition ( string transName ) : EZTransition
transName string The name of the transition to retrieve.
return EZTransition

GetTransitionNames() public method

public GetTransitionNames ( ) : string[]
return string[]

GotFocus() public method

public GotFocus ( ) : bool
return bool

MakeChild() public method

Makes the specified GameObject a child of this panel, including making it a child of the panel's transform.
public MakeChild ( GameObject go ) : void
go GameObject GameObject to make a child of the panel.
return void

OnDisable() protected method

protected OnDisable ( ) : void
return void

OnEZDragDrop_Internal() public method

Receives regular notification of drag & drop events pertaining to this object when an object is being dragged. This is called on potential drop targets when an object is dragged over them. It is also called on the object(s) being dragged/dropped.
public OnEZDragDrop_Internal ( EZDragDropParams, parms ) : void
parms EZDragDropParams, The EZDragDropParams structure which holds information about the event.
return void

OnInput() public method

public OnInput ( POINTER_INFO, ptr ) : void
return void

RemoveChild() public method

public RemoveChild ( GameObject go ) : void
go GameObject
return void

RemoveDragDropDelegate() public method

Removes a delegate from the list of those to be called with drag and drop notifications.
public RemoveDragDropDelegate ( EZDragDropDelegate del ) : void
del EZDragDropDelegate The delegate to add.
return void

RemoveInputDelegate() public method

public RemoveInputDelegate ( EZInputDelegate del ) : void
del EZInputDelegate
return void

RemoveSubject() public method

Removes a GameObject as a subjects of this panel's transitions.
public RemoveSubject ( GameObject go ) : void
go GameObject GameObject to be removed as a subject.
return void

RemoveValueChangedDelegate() public method

public RemoveValueChangedDelegate ( EZValueChangedDelegate del ) : void
del EZValueChangedDelegate
return void

RequestContainership() public method

public RequestContainership ( IUIContainer cont ) : bool
cont IUIContainer
return bool

ScanChildren() public method

public ScanChildren ( ) : void
return void

SetDragDropDelegate() public method

Sets the delegate to be called with drag and drop notifications. NOTE: This will replace any previously registered delegates.
public SetDragDropDelegate ( EZDragDropDelegate del ) : void
del EZDragDropDelegate The delegate to add.
return void

SetInputDelegate() public method

public SetInputDelegate ( EZInputDelegate del ) : void
del EZInputDelegate
return void

SetValueChangedDelegate() public method

public SetValueChangedDelegate ( EZValueChangedDelegate del ) : void
del EZValueChangedDelegate
return void

SetupTransitionSubjects() protected method

protected SetupTransitionSubjects ( ) : void
return void

Start() public method

public Start ( ) : void
return void

StartTransition() public method

Starts one of the panel's "bring in" or "dismiss" transitions.
public StartTransition ( UIPanelManager, mode ) : void
mode UIPanelManager, The mode corresponding to the transition that should be played.
return void

StartTransition() public method

Starts the transition matching the specified name (case-insensitive).
public StartTransition ( string transName ) : void
transName string The name of the transition to start. Ex: "Bring In Forward"
return void

TransitionCompleted() public method

public TransitionCompleted ( EZTransition transition ) : void
transition EZTransition
return void

Property Details

changeDelegate protected_oe property

protected EZValueChangedDelegate changeDelegate
return EZValueChangedDelegate

childPanels protected_oe property

protected EZLinkedList> childPanels
return EZLinkedList>

container protected_oe property

protected IUIContainer container
return IUIContainer

deactivateAllOnDismiss public_oe property

When true, will recursively set all child objects to inactive. Conversely, it will recursively set all child objects to active when brought in.
public bool deactivateAllOnDismiss
return bool

detargetOnDisable public_oe property

When set to true, the control will instruct any pointers which have it as their target to de-target them. Use this if you are deactivating a control and want no input to go to it. It is strongly recommended NOT to use this feature on any control that appears in a scroll list, or else you may be unable to scroll past the edge of the list's viewable area.
public bool detargetOnDisable
return bool

dragDropDelegate protected_oe property

protected EZDragDropDelegate dragDropDelegate
return EZDragDropDelegate

index public_oe property

The index of the panel in the optional UIPanelManager which manages it. This is an optional value that allows you to determine the order in which this panel will appear in a menu that is navigated without specifying the specific panels to go to, but rather moves to each panel based upon its index. If no default panel is specified in the UIPanelManager, the panel with the lowest index value will be the first panel shown.
public int index
return int

inputDelegate protected_oe property

protected EZInputDelegate inputDelegate
return EZInputDelegate

m_controlIsEnabled protected_oe property

protected bool m_controlIsEnabled
return bool

m_started protected_oe property

protected bool m_started
return bool

prevTransIndex protected_oe property

protected int prevTransIndex
return int

prevTransition protected_oe property

protected EZTransition prevTransition
return EZTransition

tempTransCompleteDel protected_oe property

protected TransitionCompleteDelegate tempTransCompleteDel
return TransitionCompleteDelegate

uiObjs protected_oe property

protected EZLinkedList> uiObjs
return EZLinkedList>