C# Class RadioBtnGroup, marblemadness

A class which encapsulates all that is required to track and manage radio buttons as a group.
Mostra file Open project: MtvnGames/marblemadness Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
buttons ArrayList
groupID int

Public Methods

Method Description
GetGroup ( int id ) : RadioBtnGroup,

Returns a reference to the radio button group specified by "id".

GetSelected ( GameObject go ) : IRadioButton

Returns a reference to the selected radio button for the specified group.

GetSelected ( int id ) : IRadioButton

Returns a reference to the selected radio button for the specified group.

RadioBtnGroup ( int id ) : UnityEngine

Method Details

GetGroup() public static method

Returns a reference to the radio button group specified by "id".
public static GetGroup ( int id ) : RadioBtnGroup,
id int The ID of the group (either an arbitrary integer ID, or the hashcode of a radio button's parent transform, depending on the settings).
return RadioBtnGroup,

GetSelected() public static method

Returns a reference to the selected radio button for the specified group.
public static GetSelected ( GameObject go ) : IRadioButton
go GameObject
return IRadioButton

GetSelected() public static method

Returns a reference to the selected radio button for the specified group.
public static GetSelected ( int id ) : IRadioButton
id int The ID of the group (either an arbitrary integer ID, or the hashcode of a radio button's parent transform, depending on the settings).
return IRadioButton

RadioBtnGroup() public method

public RadioBtnGroup ( int id ) : UnityEngine
id int
return UnityEngine

Property Details

buttons public_oe property

public ArrayList buttons
return ArrayList

groupID public_oe property

public int groupID
return int