C# Class MessageBoxManager, code

Inheritance: MonoBehaviourX
Mostra file Open project: shendongnian/code Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
Abort string
Cancel string
Ignore string
No string
OK string
Retry string
Yes string

Public Methods

Method Description
Register ( ) : void

Enables MessageBoxManager functionality

MessageBoxManager functionality is enabled on current thread only. Each thread that needs MessageBoxManager functionality has to call this method.

Unregister ( ) : void

Disables MessageBoxManager functionality

Disables MessageBoxManager functionality on current thread only.

Private Methods

Method Description
CallNextHookEx ( IntPtr, idHook, int nCode, IntPtr, wParam, IntPtr, lParam ) : IntPtr,
EndDialog ( IntPtr, hDlg, IntPtr, nResult ) : int
EnumChildWindows ( IntPtr, hWndParent, EnumChildProc lpEnumFunc, IntPtr, lParam ) : bool
GetClassName ( IntPtr, hWnd, StringBuilder, lpClassName, int nMaxCount ) : int
GetDlgCtrlID ( IntPtr, hwndCtl ) : int
GetDlgItem ( IntPtr, hDlg, int nIDDlgItem ) : IntPtr,
GetWindowText ( IntPtr, hWnd, StringBuilder, text, int maxLength ) : int
GetWindowTextLength ( IntPtr, hWnd ) : int
MessageBoxEnumProc ( IntPtr, hWnd, IntPtr, lParam ) : bool
MessageBoxHookProc ( int nCode, IntPtr, wParam, IntPtr, lParam ) : IntPtr,
MessageBoxManager ( )
SendMessage ( IntPtr hWnd, int Msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam ) : IntPtr
SetWindowText ( IntPtr hWnd, string lpString ) : bool
SetWindowsHookEx ( int idHook, HookProc lpfn, IntPtr hInstance, int threadId ) : IntPtr
UnhookWindowsHookEx ( IntPtr idHook ) : int

Method Details

Register() public static method

Enables MessageBoxManager functionality
MessageBoxManager functionality is enabled on current thread only. Each thread that needs MessageBoxManager functionality has to call this method.
public static Register ( ) : void
return void

Unregister() public static method

Disables MessageBoxManager functionality
Disables MessageBoxManager functionality on current thread only.
public static Unregister ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

Abort public_oe static_oe property

Abort text
public static string Abort
return string

Cancel public_oe static_oe property

Cancel text
public static string Cancel
return string

Ignore public_oe static_oe property

Ignore text
public static string Ignore
return string

No public_oe static_oe property

No text
public static string No
return string

OK public_oe static_oe property

OK text
public static string OK
return string

Retry public_oe static_oe property

Retry text
public static string Retry
return string

Yes public_oe static_oe property

Yes text
public static string Yes
return string