C# Class ImageStoreUsage, RELOAD.NET

Inheritance: IUsage
Mostra file Open project: RELOAD-NET/RELOAD.NET Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
AppProcedure ( MessageTransport transport, List fetchKindResponses ) : void
Create ( int type ) : IUsage
DataModel ( ) : ReloadGlobals.DataModel
Encapsulate ( bool exists ) : StoredDataValue
FromReader ( ReloadMessage rm, BinaryReader reader, long reload_msg_size ) : IUsage
ImageStoreUsage ( UsageManager UsageManager ) : System

See also the usage registration procedure at Machine.InitUsageManager.

Report ( ) : string
dump ( BinaryWriter writer ) : uint

Method Details

AppProcedure() public method

public AppProcedure ( MessageTransport transport, List fetchKindResponses ) : void
transport TSystems.RELOAD.Transport.MessageTransport
fetchKindResponses List
return void

Create() public method

public Create ( int type ) : IUsage
type int
return IUsage

DataModel() public method

public DataModel ( ) : ReloadGlobals.DataModel
return ReloadGlobals.DataModel

Encapsulate() public method

public Encapsulate ( bool exists ) : StoredDataValue
exists bool
return TSystems.RELOAD.Storage.StoredDataValue

FromReader() public method

public FromReader ( ReloadMessage rm, BinaryReader reader, long reload_msg_size ) : IUsage
rm TSystems.RELOAD.Transport.ReloadMessage
reader BinaryReader
reload_msg_size long
return IUsage

ImageStoreUsage() public method

See also the usage registration procedure at Machine.InitUsageManager.
public ImageStoreUsage ( UsageManager UsageManager ) : System
UsageManager TSystems.RELOAD.Usage.UsageManager
return System

Report() public method

public Report ( ) : string
return string

dump() public method

public dump ( BinaryWriter writer ) : uint
writer BinaryWriter
return uint