C# Class CommentsExchange.CommentId, Malevich

Parser for the comment id string. Converts Javascript id to something we can search for in the database.
Mostra file Open project: daptiv/Malevich

Public Properties

Property Type Description
FileVersionId int
Line int
LineStamp long

Public Methods

Method Description
CommentId ( string commentId ) : System

Trivial constructor. Parses the string, sets up the structure. If the format of the input string is in error, it simply leaves the structure in a coherent form, but which will never be found in the database.

HasParsed ( ) : bool

Returns true if the structure has parsed the Javascript comment id correctly.

Method Details

CommentId() public method

Trivial constructor. Parses the string, sets up the structure. If the format of the input string is in error, it simply leaves the structure in a coherent form, but which will never be found in the database.
public CommentId ( string commentId ) : System
commentId string
return System

HasParsed() public method

Returns true if the structure has parsed the Javascript comment id correctly.
public HasParsed ( ) : bool
return bool

Property Details

FileVersionId public_oe property

File version.
public int FileVersionId
return int

Line public_oe property

Line number.
public int Line
return int

LineStamp public_oe property

Comment's timestamp.
public long LineStamp
return long