C# Class Cannonball, AntsVsMice

This class manages what happens to the bomb depending on what it hits and which way it is going
Inheritance: MonoBehaviour
Mostra file Open project: splashdamage/AntsVsMice Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
range float

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
didDamage bool

Public Methods

Method Description
Awake ( ) : void
DoneExploding ( tk2dAnimatedSprite, anim, int idx ) : void
Explode ( ) : void
FindTargets ( ) : List
Update ( ) : void

Method Details

Awake() public method

public Awake ( ) : void
return void

DoneExploding() public method

public DoneExploding ( tk2dAnimatedSprite, anim, int idx ) : void
anim tk2dAnimatedSprite,
idx int
return void

Explode() public method

public Explode ( ) : void
return void

FindTargets() public method

public FindTargets ( ) : List
return List

Update() public method

public Update ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

didDamage protected_oe property

protected bool didDamage
return bool

range public_oe property

public float range
return float