C# (CSharp) kOS.Sound Namespace


Name Description
NoiseSoundWave Generates a random white noise sound wave.
ProceduralSoundWave Creates an arbitrary audio wave reference example note and populates an AudioClip with it.
These are used with the SoundMaker class to provide a means to do crude FM wave sounds.
Each of the "FM wave generators" in the kOS computer's "audio chip" is a derived class of this.
To make a new FM wave type, just inherit from this class and override SampleFunction with your own mathematical function that describes the sound wave in the time domain. The base class should populate the audio clip for you from that.
SawtoothSoundWave A variant of ProceduralSoundWave that emits a sawtooth shaped wave.
SineSoundWave A variant of ProceduralSoundWave that emits a sine wave.
SquareSoundWave A variant of ProceduralSoundWave that just makes a dumb square waveform.
TriangleSoundWave A variant of ProceduralSoundWave that emits a triangle wave.
Voice Represents one of the hardware voices in the "sound chip", and its settings.