C# (CSharp) iTextSharp.xmp.impl Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
Base64 A utility class to perform base64 encoding and decoding as specified in RFC-1521. See also RFC 1421. @version $Revision: 1.4 $
ByteBuffer Byte buffer container including length of valid data. @since 11.10.2006
CountOutputStream An OutputStream that counts the written bytes. @since 08.11.2006
FilterReader Abstract class for reading filtered character streams. The abstract class FilterReader itself provides default methods that pass all requests to the contained stream. Subclasses of FilterReader should override some of these methods and may also provide additional methods and fields. @author Mark Reinhold @since JDK1.1
FixAsciiControlsReader @since 22.08.2006
Iso8601Converter Converts between ISO 8601 Strings and Calendar with millisecond resolution. @since 16.02.2006
Latin1Converter @since 12.10.2006
ParameterAsserts @since 11.08.2006
ParseRdf Parser for "normal" XML serialisation of RDF. @since 14.07.2006
ParseState @since 22.08.2006
PushbackReader A character-stream reader that allows characters to be pushed back into the stream. @author Mark Reinhold @since JDK1.1
QName @since 09.11.2006
Utils Utility functions for the XMPToolkit implementation. @since 06.06.2006
XmpDateTimeImpl The implementation of XMPDateTime. Internally a calendar is used plus an additional nano seconds field, because Calendar supports only milli seconds. The nanoSeconds convers only the resolution beyond a milli second. @since 16.02.2006
XmpIteratorImpl The XMPIterator implementation. Iterates the XMP Tree according to a set of options. During the iteration the XMPMeta-object must not be changed. Calls to skipSubtree() / skipSiblings() will affect the iteration. @since 29.06.2006
XmpIteratorImpl.NodeIterator The XMPIterator implementation. It first returns the node itself, then recursivly the children and qualifier of the node. @since 29.06.2006
XmpIteratorImpl.NodeIteratorChildren This iterator is derived from the default NodeIterator, and is only used for the option IteratorOptions.JUST_CHILDREN. @since 02.10.2006
XmpMetaImpl Implementation for IXmpMeta. @since 17.02.2006
XmpMetaParser This class replaces the ExpatAdapter.cpp and does the XML-parsing and fixes the prefix. After the parsing several normalisations are applied to the XMPTree. @since 01.02.2006
XmpNode A node in the internally XMP tree, which can be a schema node, a property node, an array node, an array item, a struct node or a qualifier node (without '?'). Possible improvements: 1. The kind Node of node might be better represented by a class-hierarchy of different nodes. 2. The array type should be an enum 3. isImplicitNode should be removed completely and replaced by return values of fi. 4. hasLanguage, hasType should be automatically maintained by XMPNode @since 21.02.2006
XmpNodeUtils Utilities for XMPNode. @since Aug 28, 2006
XmpNormalizer @since Aug 18, 2006
XmpSchemaRegistryImpl The schema registry handles the namespaces, aliases and global options for the XMP Toolkit. There is only one single instance used by the toolkit. @since 27.01.2006
XmpSerializerHelper Serializes the XMPMeta-object to an OutputStream according to the SerializeOptions. @since 11.07.2006
XmpUtilsImpl @since 11.08.2006