C# (CSharp) ZoomAndPanSample Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
ColorToBrushConverter Converts a color value to a brush.
DataModel A simple example of a data-model. The purpose of this data-model is to share display data between the main window and overview window.
HelpTextWindow Interaction logic for HelpTextWindow.xaml
MainWindow This is a Window that uses ZoomAndPanControl to zoom and pan around some content. This demonstrates how to use application specific mouse handling logic with ZoomAndPanControl.
OverviewWindow Interaction logic for OverviewWindow.xaml
RectangleData Defines the data-model for a simple displayable rectangle.
ScaleToPercentConverter Used in MainWindow.xaml to converts a scale value to a percentage. It is used to display the 50%, 100%, etc that appears underneath the zoom and pan control.