C# (CSharp) Xunit.Sdk Namespace


Name Description
ArgumentFormatter Formats arguments for display in theories.
NotEqualException Exception thrown when two values are unexpectedly equal.
NotNullException Exception thrown when an object is unexpectedly null.
NullException Exception thrown when an object reference is unexpectedly not null.
SkippableFactDiscoverer Transforms SkippableFactAttribute test methods into test cases.
SkippableFactDiscoverer.SkippableFactTestCase A test case that interprets SkipException as a TestSkipped result.
SkippableTestMessageBus Intercepts test results on the message bus and re-interprets SkipException as a TestSkipped result.
SkippableTheoryDiscoverer Transforms SkippableTheoryAttribute test theories into test cases.
SkippableTheoryDiscoverer.SkippableTheoryTestCase A theory test case that will wrap the message bus.