C# (CSharp) WestWind Namespace


Name Description
CategoriesTable Table: Categories Primary Key: CategoryID
Category A class which represents the Categories table in the Northwind Database. This class is queryable through NorthwindDB.Category
Customer A class which represents the Customers table in the Northwind Database. This class is queryable through NorthwindDB.Customer
CustomerCustomerDemo A class which represents the CustomerCustomerDemo table in the Northwind Database. This class is queryable through NorthwindDB.CustomerCustomerDemo
CustomerCustomerDemoTable Table: CustomerCustomerDemo Primary Key: CustomerID
CustomerDemographic A class which represents the CustomerDemographics table in the Northwind Database. This class is queryable through NorthwindDB.CustomerDemographic
CustomerDemographicsTable Table: CustomerDemographics Primary Key: CustomerTypeID
CustomersTable Table: Customers Primary Key: CustomerID
Employee A class which represents the Employees table in the Northwind Database. This class is queryable through NorthwindDB.Employee
EmployeeTerritoriesTable Table: EmployeeTerritories Primary Key: EmployeeID
EmployeeTerritory A class which represents the EmployeeTerritories table in the Northwind Database. This class is queryable through NorthwindDB.EmployeeTerritory
EmployeesTable Table: Employees Primary Key: EmployeeID
Order A class which represents the Orders table in the Northwind Database. This class is queryable through NorthwindDB.Order
OrderDetail A class which represents the Order Details table in the Northwind Database. This class is queryable through NorthwindDB.OrderDetail
OrderDetailsTable Table: Order Details Primary Key: OrderID
OrdersTable Table: Orders Primary Key: OrderID
Product A class which represents the Products table in the Northwind Database. This class is queryable through NorthwindDB.Product
ProductsTable Table: Products Primary Key: ProductID
Region A class which represents the Region table in the Northwind Database. This class is queryable through NorthwindDB.Region
RegionTable Table: Region Primary Key: RegionID
Shipper A class which represents the Shippers table in the Northwind Database. This class is queryable through NorthwindDB.Shipper
ShippersTable Table: Shippers Primary Key: ShipperID
Supplier A class which represents the Suppliers table in the Northwind Database. This class is queryable through NorthwindDB.Supplier
SuppliersTable Table: Suppliers Primary Key: SupplierID
TerritoriesTable Table: Territories Primary Key: TerritoryID
Territory A class which represents the Territories table in the Northwind Database. This class is queryable through NorthwindDB.Territory
sysdiagram A class which represents the sysdiagrams table in the Northwind Database. This class is queryable through NorthwindDB.sysdiagram