C# (CSharp) Warcraft.ADT.Chunks Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
MapChunkOffsetEntry A struct containing information about the referenced MCNK
ModelPlacementEntry An entry struct containing information about the model
TerrainHeader MHDR Chunk - Contains offset for all major chunks in the ADT. All offsets are from the start of the MHDR + 4 bytes to compensate for the size field.
TerrainLiquid MH2O Chunk - Contains liquid information about the ADT file, superseding the older MCLQ chunk.
TerrainLiquidChunk Terrain liquid chunk. Contains information about water and other liquids in a map tile.
TerrainMapChunk MCNK Chunk - Main map chunk which contains a number of smaller subchunks. 256 of these are present in an ADT file.
TerrainMapChunkOffsets MCIN Chunk - Contains a list of all MCNKs with associated information in the ADT file.
TerrainModelIndices MMID Chunk - Contains a list of M2 model indexes
TerrainModelPlacementInfo MMDF Chunk - Contains M2 model placement information
TerrainModels MMDX Chunk - Contains a list of all referenced M2 models in this ADT.
TerrainTextures MTEX Chunk - Contains a list of all referenced textures in this ADT.
TerrainVersion MVER Chunk - Contains the ADT version
TerrainWorldModelObjects MWMO Chunk - Contains a list of all referenced WMO models in this ADT.
TerrainWorldObjectModelIndices MMID Chunk - Contains a list of WMO model indexes