C# (CSharp) Subtext.Web.UI.Controls Namespace


Name Description
AggPinnedPost Control used to view a single blog post.
ArchiveCategory Summary description for ArchiveMonth.
ArchiveDay Summary description for ArchiveDay.
ArchiveLinks Summary description for CategoryDisplayByColumn.
ArchiveMonth Summary description for ArchiveMonth.
ArticleCategories Summary description for ArticleCategories.
BaseControl Summary description for BaseControl.
BlogStats Summary description for Header.
Calendar Summary description for Calendar.
CategoryDisplay Summary description for CategoryDisplayByColumn.
CategoryList Code behind for the category list control.
Comments Codebehind for the control that displays comments/trackbacks/pingbacks.
CurrentEntryControl Control that contains information about the current entry being displayed. This will allow other controls to use data binding syntax to display information about the current entry.
Day Displays all entries for a given day.
DayCollection Summary description for LastSevenDaysControl.
EntryList Control used to display a list of entries.
Footer Footer control, displayed at the bottom of most skins. Contains a System.Web.UI.WebControls.Literal control which displays the author name.
GalleryThumbNailViewer Summary description for GalleryThumbNailViewer.
Header Used to display the header.
LinkPage Summary description for LinkPage.
MonthList Summary description for ArchiveDay.
MyLinks Code behind class for the MyLinks section. Hooks up links within MyLinks.ascx to their appropriate URL.
NamespaceDoc This namespace contains all the controls used to render a blog. Notice that these controls have corresponding declarations within the .ascx files in any given skins directory. These controls provide the code and logic for those user controls.
News Displays news...
PageTemplate Summary description for PageTemplate.
PostCategoryList Summary description for PostCategoryList.
PostComment Summary description for Comments.
RecentPosts Displays the titles of the most recent entries on the skin.

This control displays links by categories. Categories include "Archives", "Image Galleries", And custom link Categories.

Makes use of the CategoryList control.

StaticPage Summary description for StaticPage.
SubtextCoComment Implements CoComment for Subtext.
SubtextSearch Implements a search control that can be added to a skin.
Top10Module Summary description for Top10Module.
ViewPicture Summary description for GalleryThumbNailViewer.