C# (CSharp) SobekCM.Library.AggregationViewer.Viewers Namespace


Name Description
Advanced_Search_AggregationViewer Renders the advanced search page for a given item aggregation
Advanced_Search_MimeType_AggregationViewer Renders the advanced search page for a given item aggregation
Advanced_Search_YearRange_AggregationViewer Renders the advanced search with year range options for a given item aggregation
Basic_Search_AggregationViewer Renders the basic search / home page for a given item aggregation
Basic_Search_MimeType_AggregationViewer Renders the basic search / home page for a given item aggregation with one search field but also ability to select items that have SOME mimetype ( i.e., some digital resources )
Basic_Search_YearRange_AggregationViewer Renders the basic search with year range searching / home page for a given item aggregation
Custom_Home_Page_AggregationViewer Aggregation viewer displays the aggregation home page from a custom file, without putting the text within the usual SobekCM/web skin frame
DataSet_Browse_Info_AggregationViewer Renders the item list matching a browse or search against an item aggregation
Full_Text_Search_AggregationViewer Renders the full text search page for a given item aggregation
Item_Count_AggregationViewer Renders the item count information for a single aggregation
Manage_Menu_AggregationViewer Aggregation viewer shows all the options that a logged in user has for managing the current aggregation
Map_Browse_AggregationViewer Renders the browse which displays all coordinate points present for an aggregation
Map_Browse_AggregationViewer_Beta Beta version of map browse (from USACH project)
Map_Search_AggregationViewer Renders the google map search page for a given item aggregation
Map_Search_AggregationViewer_Beta Beta version of map search (from USACH project)
Metadata_Browse_AggregationViewer Renders the screen to allow users to browse the metadata values present in different fields for an item aggregation
No_Search_AggregationViewer Renders the home page without any searching for a given item aggregation
Private_Items_AggregationViewer Renders the usage statistics for a single aggregation
Rotating_Highlight_MimeType_AggregationViewer Renders the basic search / home page for a given item aggregation
Rotating_Highlight_Search_AggregationViewer Renders the basic search / home page for a given item aggregation
Static_Browse_Info_AggregationViewer Renders the static information or browse pages for an item aggregation
Usage_Statistics_AggregationViewer Renders the usage statistics for a single aggregation
User_Permissions_AggregationViewer Aggregation viewer to dispay the list of users that have special permissions on a single aggregation
abstractAggregationViewer Abstract class which all collection viewer classes extend
dLOC_Search_AggregationViewer Renders the dLOC search / home page for a given item aggregation