C# (CSharp) Smrf.NodeXL.GraphDataProviders.Flickr Namespace


Name Description
FlickrApiKeyControl UserControl that gets a Flickr API key.
FlickrGetRelatedTagNetworkDialog Gets the Flickr tags related to a tag specified by the user.
FlickrGraphDataProviderDialogBase Base class for dialogs that get Flickr graph data.
FlickrNetworkAnalyzerBase Base class for classes that analyze a Flickr network.
FlickrNetworkAnalyzerBase.GetNetworkAsyncArgsBase Base class for classes that contain the arguments needed to asynchronously get a Flickr network.
FlickrRelatedTagNetworkAnalyzer Gets a network of related Flickr tags.
FlickrRelatedTagNetworkAnalyzer.GetNetworkAsyncArgs Contains the arguments needed to asynchronously get the Flickr tags related to a specified tag.
FlickrRelatedTagNetworkGraphDataProvider Gets the network of tags related to a specified tag.
FlickrUserNetworkAnalyzer Gets a network of Flickr users.
FlickrUserNetworkAnalyzer.GetNetworkAsyncArgs Contains the arguments needed to asynchronously get a network of Flickr users.
FlickrUserNetworkGraphDataProvider Gets a network of people related to a Flickr user.