C# (CSharp) SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.Infrastructure Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
AddObjectEventArgs This class exists to be the argument to AddObjectSideEffects, and possibly eventually to events which deal with adding objects to sequences and collections. It provides the information we have so far found to be useful, but can readily be enhanced with more. We are considering the possibility of merging this class with one of the FdoStateChange classes so that they can share all the information required to Undo the change, and thus everything required to inform anyone of what changed.
CustomFieldInfo Class that handles transfer of custom field information between the MDC and a BEP.
FdoMetaDataCacheDecoratorBase Implementation of the IFwMetaDataCacheManaged interface which works with a stateful FDO system for most data issues. For cases where there is a need to store 'fake' data (i.e., not properties of CmObjects), clients should subclass this class and override the relevant methods and read/write that fake meta data in their own internal caches. They should pass the request through to the FdoMetaDataCache (IFwMetaDataCacheManaged) for regular metadata access.
FdoXmlServices Services more suited to FDO than the world at large that are xml related.
GenericPropChangeUndoAction Like generic undo action, but in addition, causes a PropChanged to be generated.
GenericUndoAction This is a generic UndoAction, for changes that do not affect actual model data, but which do need to be done, undone, and redone. By inheritance it claims not to be a data change.
GuidServices Handle conversion of string/Guids.
LoadingServices Support class for loading data from BEPs. This class simply holds commonly used objects that are found in the ServiceLocator.
RemoveObjectEventArgs This class exists to be the argument to RemoveObjectSideEffects, and possibly eventually to events which deal with removing objects to sequences and collections. It provides the information we have so far found to be useful, but can readily be enhanced with more. We are considering the possibility of merging this class with one of the FdoStateChange classes so that they can share all the information required to Undo the change, and thus everything required to inform anyone of what changed. We may also end up with a proper class hierarchy, too; there is a good deal of overlap with AddObjectEventArgs.
WorkerThreadReadHelper This is a convenience class for beginning and ending read tasks on worker threads.