C# (CSharp) Revit.SDK.Samples.NewOpenings.CS Namespace


Name Description
ArcTool Tool used to draw arc.
CircleTool Tool used to draw circle
EmptyTool Tool used to draw nothing
ITool Abstract class use as base class of all draw tool class
LineTool Tool used to draw line
Matrix4 Matrix used to transform between UCS coordinate and world coordinate.
Profile Base class of ProfileFloor and ProfileWall contain the profile information and can make matrix to transform point to 2D plane
ProfileFloor ProfileFloor class contain the information about profile of floor, and contain method to create Opening on floor
ProfileWall ProfileWall class contain the information about profile of wall, and contain method to create Opening on wall
RectTool Tool used to draw rectangle
Vector4 Vector4 class use to store vector and contain method to handle the vector