C# (CSharp) Revit.SDK.Samples.CurtainWallGrid.CS Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
DrawObject the class is designed to help draw the hints and the assistant lines of the curtain grid
GridCoordinates Maintain the matrixes needed by 3D & 2D operations: pan, zoom, 2D->3D, 3D->2D
GridDrawing Maintain the appearance of the 2D projection of the curtain grid and its behaviors
GridGeometry manages the behaviors & operations of CurtainGrid
GridLine2D the 2D format for the curtain grid line, it inherits from the Line2D class
GridProperties stores all the properties of the curtain grid and manages the behaviors and operations of the curtain grid
Line2D a linear line in 2D point format
LineOperation stores the specified line operation
Matrix4 Matrix used to transform between ucs coordinate and world coordinate.
PointD the 2D point class which contains double value for its coordinates
SegmentLine2D the line class for the segment of grid line, it inherits from Line2D class
Unit Provides static functions to convert unit
Vector4 Vector4 is a homogeneous coordinate class used to store vector and contain method to handle the vector
WallBaseline2D the class stores the baseline data for curtain wall
WallDrawing maintain the baseline of the curtain wall
WallGeometry the class manages the creation operation for the curtain wall