C# (CSharp) PBAccelerator Namespace


Name Description
DataTableToCSV Converts a DataTable to CSV format @Author = Ndubisi Onuora
FTPHandler Contains information that allows the user to send a file via FTP. @Author = Ndubisi Onuora
GSExtractActivity Abstract class ActivityBase implements IActivity. Deriving from ActivityBase class instead of IActivity, gives a good starting point to implement an activity. Some of the methods that could be common across activity implementations are given a default definition. For overrides, the implemented methods are marked virtual. Deriving from this class does not force you to implement the overloaded 'Run' method which takes a step name, in case you are not using activity steps.
TemplateActivityBase Abstract class ActivityBase implements IActivity. Deriving from ActivityBase class instead of IActivity, gives a good starting point to implement an activity. Some of the methods that could be common across activity implementations are given a default definition. For overrides, the implemented methods are marked virtual. Deriving from this class does not force you to implement the overloaded 'Run' method which takes a step name, in case you are not using activity steps.
TemplateFolderPollingActivityBase FolderPollingActivityBase class inherits from ActivityBase (see TemplateActivityBase) and implement some of the IActivity methods used commonly by activities that polls a folder to kick off activity runs.
TestDelimitedFile Conducts testing on the DelimitedFile class @Author = Ndubisi Onuora