C# (CSharp) OpenQA.Selenium.Remote Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
CapabilityType Provides types of capabilities for the DesiredCapabilities object.
CharArrayJsonConverter Provides a way to convert a Char arry to JSON
Command Provides a way to send commands to the remote server
CommandInfo Provides the execution information for a DriverCommand.
CommandInfoRepository Holds the information about all commands specified by the JSON wire protocol. This class cannot be inherited, as it is intended to be a singleton, and allowing subclasses introduces the possibility of multiple instances.
Context Creates an interal context for the remote driver
DesiredCapabilities Class to Create the capabilities of the browser you require for RemoteWebDriver. If you wish to use default values use the static methods
DesiredCapabilitiesJsonConverter Provides a way to convert DesiredCapabilities objects to JSON and back
DriverCommand Values describing the list of commands understood by a remote server using the JSON wire protocol.
ErrorResponse Provides a way to store errors from a repsonse
HttpCommandExecutor Provides a way of executing Commands over HTTP
HttpCommandExecutor.CommandInfo Provides a way to get information from the command
RemoteCookieJar Defines an interface allowing the user to manipulate cookies on the current page.
RemoteCoordinates Defines the interface through which the user can discover where an element is on the screen.
RemoteKeyboard Defines the interface through which the user can execute advanced keyboard interactions.
RemoteOptions Provides a mechanism for setting options needed for the driver during the test.
RemoteTouchScreen Defines the interface through which the user can execute advanced touch screen interactions.
RemoteWebDriver Provides a way to use the driver through
RemoteWebDriver.RemoteNavigation Provides a mechanism for Navigating with the driver.
RemoteWebDriver.RemoteTargetLocator Provides a mechanism for finding elements on the page with locators.
RemoteWebDriver.RemoteWebDriverOptions Provides a mechanism for setting options needed for the driver during the test.
RemoteWebElement RemoteWebElement allows you to have access to specific items that are found on the page
RenderedRemoteWebElement Provides a mechanism to find Rendered Elements on the page
ResponseValueJsonConverter Converts the response to JSON
SessionId Provides a mechanism for maintaining a session for a test
StackTraceElement Gives properties to get a stack trace