Name |
Description |
Camera |
Command |
CommandEndedArgs |
Constants |
ContentRootChanged |
ConvertOldFileFormats |
CustomPropertyDescriptor |
DictionaryPropertyDescriptor |
Disk |
Represents a disk. A facade over the Path and File API's. |
DraggingTextureEventArgs |
DrawStuffOnTheGamesCanvas |
Drawing |
EntityChosenEventArgs |
EntityCreation |
EntityCreationProperties |
EntityEditedEventArgs |
Gdi |
GetAssemblyInformation |
HandleKeyboardCommands |
HandleUserActions |
Helper |
ImageProperties |
ImageRepository |
Images |
ItemEditor |
KeyboardStatus |
LambdaDrivenDragDropHandler |
LegacyEditorInfo |
LevelEditor |
LinkedItemTypeConverter |
LoadImages |
Logger |
Mememto |
Model |
ModelChangedEventArgs |
ModelEventHub |
ModelUnloadingEventArgs |
MouseStatus |
PathToFile |
PropertyCustomisation |
RendererParams |
Resource1 |
SelectedEditors |
Represents a type that contains editors from the same layer. |
ShapeDragDropHandler |
SnapPoint |
TextureStore |
Triangulator2D |
A static class exposing methods for triangulating 2D polygons. |
Triangulator2D.Triangle |
A basic triangle structure that holds the three indices that make up a given triangle. |
ValidationError |