Name |
Description |
CustomParameter |
Binds a user-defined value to a parameter object. |
DataParameter |
Binds specific data from an IListDataSource to a parameter object. |
EntityDataSource |
EntityDataSource.EntityDataSourceView |
Supports the EntityDataSource control and provides an interface for data-bound controls to perform data operations with business and data objects. |
EntityDataSourceFilter |
Provides the ability to filter the list of data retrieved by an EntityDataSource object. |
EntityDataSourceFilter.EntityDataSourceFilterView |
Supports the EntityDataSourceFilter control. |
EntityDataSourceMethodEventArgs |
Provides data for the Inserting, Updating, and Deleting events of the EntityDataSource control. |
EntityDataSourceSelectingEventArgs |
Provides data for the Selecting event of the EntityDataSource control. |
EntityListEventArgs |
Provides data for the ApplyFilter or ApplySort events of the EntityDataSourceFilterView control. |
EntityProperty |
Represents an EntityRelationshipMember column mapping. |
EntityRelationship |
EntityRelationshipMember |
EntityTransactionModule |
Provides access to a TransactionManager instance associated with the current HttpContext. |
LinkedDataSourceEventArgs |
Provides data for the ILinkedDataSource control's events. |
ManyToManyListRelationship |
Provides management of a many-to-many relationship between a primary table and a foreign key table via the use of a join table. This control is specifically designed to be used with ListControl sub-classes. |
ManyToManyViewRelationship |
Provides management of a one-to-many relationship between a primary table and a child table. This control is specifically designed to be used with controls that display one record of data at a time. |
OneToManyGridRelationship |
Provides management of a one-to-many relationship between a primary table and a child table. This control is specifically designed to be used with the System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridView class. |
OneToOneViewRelationship |
Provides management of a one-to-one relationship between two business objects. |