C# (CSharp) Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Web.Data Namespace


Name Description
CustomParameter Binds a user-defined value to a parameter object.
DataParameter Binds specific data from an IListDataSource to a parameter object.
EntityDataSource.EntityDataSourceView Supports the EntityDataSource control and provides an interface for data-bound controls to perform data operations with business and data objects.
EntityDataSourceFilter Provides the ability to filter the list of data retrieved by an EntityDataSource object.
EntityDataSourceFilter.EntityDataSourceFilterView Supports the EntityDataSourceFilter control.
EntityDataSourceMethodEventArgs Provides data for the Inserting, Updating, and Deleting events of the EntityDataSource control.
EntityDataSourceSelectingEventArgs Provides data for the Selecting event of the EntityDataSource control.
EntityListEventArgs Provides data for the ApplyFilter or ApplySort events of the EntityDataSourceFilterView control.
EntityProperty Represents an EntityRelationshipMember column mapping.
EntityTransactionModule Provides access to a TransactionManager instance associated with the current HttpContext.
LinkedDataSourceEventArgs Provides data for the ILinkedDataSource control's events.
ManyToManyListRelationship Provides management of a many-to-many relationship between a primary table and a foreign key table via the use of a join table. This control is specifically designed to be used with ListControl sub-classes.
ManyToManyViewRelationship Provides management of a one-to-many relationship between a primary table and a child table. This control is specifically designed to be used with controls that display one record of data at a time.
OneToManyGridRelationship Provides management of a one-to-many relationship between a primary table and a child table. This control is specifically designed to be used with the System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridView class.
OneToOneViewRelationship Provides management of a one-to-one relationship between two business objects.