C# (CSharp) MongoDB.Driver.Linq Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
ExpressionFormatter A class that formats an Expression as a string.
ExpressionNormalizer A class that normalizes C# and VB expression trees.
ExpressionParameterReplacer A class that replaces all occurences of one parameter with a different parameter.
ExpressionPrettyPrinter A class that pretty prints an Expression.
ExpressionVisitor An abstract base class for an Expression visitor.
MongoQueryTranslator A translator from LINQ expression queries to Mongo queries.
Nominator Performs bottom-up analysis to find maximal subtrees that satisfy a predicate.
OrderByClause Represents an order by clause.
PartialEvaluator A static class with methods to partially evaluate an Expression.
PartialEvaluator.SubtreeEvaluator Evaluates and replaces sub-trees when first candidate is reached (top-down)
PredicateTranslator Translates an expression tree into an IMongo_queryBuilder.
SelectQuery Represents a LINQ query that has been translated to an equivalent MongoDB Find query.
TranslatedQuery Represents a LINQ query that has been translated to a MongoDB query.