C# (CSharp) MixinRefactoring.Test Namespace


Name Description
Child child class with all possible mixins. Every test case can choose the mixin it wants to generate
ChildClassWithConstructor class that has the default constructor implemented
ChildClassWithConstructorParameter class with an additional constructor parameter
ChildClassWithContructorInitializer class has two constructors, the mixin injection should be delegated to all constructors
ChildClassWithEventsFromMixin class that has a mixin with an event
ChildClassWithHiddenMethodMixin this child class has a mixin with hidden methods. No delegation code should be generated
ChildClassWithHiddenPropertyMixin this child class has a mixin with hidden members. No delegation code should be generated
ChildClassWithInjectedMixin this class already has an injection, so nothing more should be generated
ChildClassWithPrivateSetterMixin class has a mixin where only the getter of a property is public
ChildClassWithoutConstructor a constructor for this class will be generated
ChildWitDefaultParameters class that has constructor initializers and mixins
ChildWithInterface child class that already implements an interface
ChildWithInterfaceHierarchy special case here: The interface derives already from other interfaces, but the child should only use the interface itself result should be: ChildWithInterfaceHierarchy : IThirdInterface
ChildWithMixinConstructorInitializer class has a constructor initializer which already has a mixin, so nothing should be added here
ChildWithMixinImplementation the mixin is an implementation, but the child should only implement the interfaces of the mixin class, not the mixin class itself (because it is an implementation)
ChildWithoutInterface a child class that does not implement any interfaces
CollectionWithIndexer a mixin class that has an indexer property
DerivedFromInterfaceClass class derived from interface. Since there is no implementation of the property, it should be included from the mixin
DerivedPerson derived class that has a base class which already implements a method from the mixin
DerivedPersonClass derived class with a mixin. The Name property of the mixin should not be implemented because it is already in the base class
ExpressionBodyName class that has only a property with expression body
Files class that stores static names for the dummy source code files used for the test cases
FirstPersonBaseClass The base class already has a property, the derived class with the mixin should not reimplement this property
IncludeMixinSyntaxWriterTest.IncludeSyntaxWriterTestDummy syntax writer dummy where strategies can be injected
MixinWithHiddenMethods this mixin has members that should not be included in the child class because they are not accessible by clients
MixinWithHiddenProperties this mixin has members that should not be included in the child class because they are not accessible by clients
MixinWithInternalGetter mixin with internal getter. When included, the getter should not be visible
MixinWithInternalMethod mixin with an internal method
MixinWithInternalProperty property is internal and should only be generated when accessible inside the child class
MixinWithInternalSetter mixin with internal accessor. When included, the setter should not be visible
MixinWithPrivateAccessor this mixin has a property where only the getter is accessible, the property should be generated as readonly
Name A class that stores some name information
OnlyGetterName Mixin that has only a readonly property
Person class that contains some mixins
PersonBase base class of a person that already implements a method
PersonFromAbstractName class where an abstract property must be overridden during code generation
PersonFromAbstractWork derived class with a mixin, the method of the mixin should override the abstract method
PersonWithAbstractMethod a class with an abstract method that has the same signature as the mixin method. But the method of the mixin should not be implemented, because only methods from base should be checked.
PersonWithAbstractName class with an abstract property
PersonWithAbstractWork base class with an abstract method
PersonWithDerivedWorker the mixin of this class has a base, so both methods from base and derived should be added to the child class
PersonWithEmptyRegion region exists but is empty
PersonWithExpressionBodyName the property of this included mixin has only an expression body
PersonWithFullName this class has a mixin but implements already one property of the mixin, so only two other properties will be delegated
PersonWithGenericClassMixin this class uses a mixin with a generic type parameter. All methods of the mixin should replace the generic parameter with the real one.
PersonWithGenericMixin this class has a mixin which has a property with a generic parameter.
PersonWithGetterName the mixin of this child has only a getter
PersonWithIndexer a child class that should include a mixin with an indexer
PersonWithLambdaMethod this class has a lambda method. When the classes source code is parsed the "x" parameter in the lambda should not be handled as method parameter
PersonWithName This person has already a name, the mixin should not add another name
PersonWithNativeTypes this class has only native data types and therefore no mixins should be implemented
PersonWithNestedRegions class has several nested regions, new members should be added to existing class
PersonWithNestedRegionsButWithoutMixinRegion class has several nested regions, but no region with the same name as the created one so it should be created
PersonWithOtherWorkMethod class that already has a method that should not be implemented
PersonWithOverriddenMethod class that already overrides a method from base. The mixins method with the same signature should not be implemented again
PersonWithOverriddenProperty class that overrides a property from base with same signature as mixin property
PersonWithRegion class has a region and the region already has a member add members to existing region
PersonWithSimpleMixin this class has just a simple mixin. The mixin does not have any interfaces
PersonWithStaticMixin class with a mixin with a static property. The property should not be added to the child.
PersonWithToString this class should also implement the ToString method from the mixin although it is already defined in the object base class
PersonWithTwoMixins this class has already one mixin with a region the second one should be added by the test
PersonWithWorkMethod class that already has a method that should not be implemented
PersonWithoutRegion class has no regions, so a region should be created
SemanticTypeReaderTest.SemanticTypeReaderTestDummy test class that tracks access to the dynamic dispatched methods
SimpleChildClass this is the easiest child class configuration. A child class that has only one mixin without any interfaces or anything special
SimpleMixin this is just a simple mixin class with a property
SimpleName A class with a single property
SourceCode helper class for interaction with source code. The class takes several source code files as parameters and allows access to the syntax and semantic information of the classes. This class now also has a fluent API to add source code on the fly. Before using the fluent API, ensure that you call New() to erase all existing content (if desired) and at the end, call Compile() to generate a compilation unit and a semantic model from the collected source code.
StaticName This is a mixin with a static property, the property should not be included into the child
TestDescriptionAttribute extension of NUnit test attribute let's the user enter a description directly as attribute argument
ThirdPersonClass derived class with two base classes, the property should be inherited from the first base class
WorkingPerson a class that combines a property and a method