C# (CSharp) Microsoft.Xades Namespace


Name Description
AllDataObjectsTimeStampCollection Collection class that derives from ArrayList. It provides the minimally required functionality to add instances of typed classes and obtain typed elements through a custom indexer.
CRLIdentifier This class includes the issuer (Issuer element), the time when the CRL was issued (IssueTime element) and optionally the number of the CRL (Number element). The Identifier element can be dropped if the CRL could be inferred from other information. Its URI attribute could serve to indicate where the identified CRL is archived.
CRLRefCollection Collection class that derives from ArrayList. It provides the minimally required functionality to add instances of typed classes and obtain typed elements through a custom indexer.
CRLRefs Class that contains a collection of CRL references
CRLValue This class consist of a sequence of at least one Certificate Revocation List. Each EncapsulatedCRLValue will contain the base64 encoding of a DER-encoded X509 CRL.
CRLValueCollection Collection class that derives from ArrayList. It provides the minimally required functionality to add instances of typed classes and obtain typed elements through a custom indexer.
CRLValues This class contains a collection of CRL values
CanonicalizationMethod DigestMethod indicates the digest algorithm
Cert This class contains certificate identification information
CertCollection Collection class that derives from ArrayList. It provides the minimally required functionality to add instances of typed classes and obtain typed elements through a custom indexer.
CertRefs The CertRefs element contains a collection of Cert elements
CertificateValues The CertificateValues element contains the full set of certificates that have been used to validate the electronic signature, including the signer's certificate. However, it is not necessary to include one of those certificates into this property, if the certificate is already present in the ds:KeyInfo element of the signature. In fact, both the signer certificate (referenced in the mandatory SigningCertificate property element) and all certificates referenced in the CompleteCertificateRefs property element must be present either in the ds:KeyInfo element of the signature or in the CertificateValues property element.
CertifiedRole The CertifiedRoles element contains one or more wrapped attribute certificates for the signer
CertifiedRoleCollection Collection class that derives from ArrayList. It provides the minimally required functionality to add instances of typed classes and obtain typed elements through a custom indexer.
CertifiedRoles The CertifiedRoles element contains one or more wrapped attribute certificates for the signer
ClaimedRole This class contains a roles claimed by the signer but not it is not a certified role
ClaimedRoleCollection Collection class that derives from ArrayList. It provides the minimally required functionality to add instances of typed classes and obtain typed elements through a custom indexer.
ClaimedRoles The ClaimedRoles element contains a sequence of roles claimed by the signer but not certified. Additional contents types may be defined on a domain application basis and be part of this element. The namespaces given to the corresponding XML schemas will allow their unambiguous identification in the case these roles use XML.
CommitmentTypeIndication The commitment type can be indicated in the electronic signature by either explicitly using a commitment type indication in the electronic signature or implicitly or explicitly from the semantics of the signed data object. If the indicated commitment type is explicit by means of a commitment type indication in the electronic signature, acceptance of a verified signature implies acceptance of the semantics of that commitment type. The semantics of explicit commitment types indications shall be specified either as part of the signature policy or may be registered for generic use across multiple policies.
CommitmentTypeQualifier The CommitmentTypeQualifiers element provides means to include additional qualifying information on the commitment made by the signer
CommitmentTypeQualifierCollection Collection class that derives from ArrayList. It provides the minimally required functionality to add instances of typed classes and obtain typed elements through a custom indexer.
CommitmentTypeQualifiers The CommitmentTypeQualifier element provides means to include additional qualifying information on the commitment made by the signer
CompleteCertificateRefs This clause defines the XML element containing the sequence of references to the full set of CA certificates that have been used to validate the electronic signature up to (but not including) the signer's certificate. This is an unsigned property that qualifies the signature. An XML electronic signature aligned with the XAdES standard may contain at most one CompleteCertificateRefs element.
CompleteRevocationRefs This clause defines the XML element containing a full set of references to the revocation data that have been used in the validation of the signer and CA certificates. This is an unsigned property that qualifies the signature. The XML electronic signature aligned with the present document MAY contain at most one CompleteRevocationRefs element.
CounterSignatureCollection Collection class that derives from ArrayList. It provides the minimally required functionality to add instances of typed classes and obtain typed elements through a custom indexer.
DataObjectFormat The DataObjectFormat element provides information that describes the format of the signed data object. This element must be present when it is mandatory to present the signed data object to human users on verification. This is a signed property that qualifies one specific signed data object. In consequence, a XAdES signature may contain more than one DataObjectFormat elements, each one qualifying one signed data object.
DigestAlgAndValueType This class indicates the algortithm used to calculate the digest and the digest value itself
DigestMethod DigestMethod indicates the digest algorithm
DocumentationReference DocumentationReference points to further explanatory documentation of the object identifier
DocumentationReferenceCollection Collection class that derives from ArrayList. It provides the minimally required functionality to add instances of typed classes and obtain typed elements through a custom indexer.
DocumentationReferences This class contains a collection of DocumentationReferences
EncapsulatedPKIData EncapsulatedPKIData is used to incorporate a piece of PKI data into an XML structure whereas the PKI data is encoded using an ASN.1 encoding mechanism. Examples of such PKI data that are widely used at the time include X509 certificates and revocation lists, OCSP responses, attribute certificates and time-stamps.
EncapsulatedX509Certificate The EncapsulatedX509Certificate element is able to contain the base64 encoding of a DER-encoded X.509 certificate
EncapsulatedX509CertificateCollection Collection class that derives from ArrayList. It provides the minimally required functionality to add instances of typed classes and obtain typed elements through a custom indexer.
HashDataInfo The HashDataInfo class contains a uri attribute referencing a data object and a ds:Transforms element indicating the transformations to make to this data object. The sequence of HashDataInfo elements will be used to produce the input of the hash computation process whose result will be included in the timestamp request to be sent to the TSA.
HashDataInfoCollection Collection class that derives from ArrayList. It provides the minimally required functionality to add instances of typed classes and obtain typed elements through a custom indexer.
Identifier The Identifier element contains a permanent identifier. Once assigned the identifier can never be re-assigned again. It supports both the mechanism that is used to identify objects in ASN.1 and the mechanism that is usually used to identify objects in an XML environment.
IndividualDataObjectsTimeStampCollection Collection class that derives from ArrayList. It provides the minimally required functionality to add instances of typed classes and obtain typed elements through a custom indexer.
IssuerSerial The element IssuerSerial contains the identifier of one of the certificates referenced in the sequence
NoticeNumberCollection Collection class that derives from ArrayList. It provides the minimally required functionality to add instances of typed classes and obtain typed elements through a custom indexer.
NoticeNumbers This class contains identifying numbers for a group of textual statements so that the XAdES based application can get the explicit notices from a notices file
NoticeRef The NoticeRef element names an organization and identifies by numbers a group of textual statements prepared by that organization, so that the application could get the explicit notices from a notices file.
OCSPIdentifier This class includes the name of the server that has produced the referenced response (ResponderID element) and the time indication in the "ProducedAt" field of the referenced response (ProducedAt element). The optional URI attribute could serve to indicate where the OCSP response identified is archived.
OCSPRefCollection Collection class that derives from ArrayList. It provides the minimally required functionality to add instances of typed classes and obtain typed elements through a custom indexer.
OCSPRefs This class contains a collection of OCSPRefs
OCSPValue This class consist of a sequence of at least one OCSP Response. The EncapsulatedOCSPValue element contains the base64 encoding of a DER-encoded OCSP Response
OCSPValues This class contains a collection of OCSPValues
ObjectIdentifier ObjectIdentifier allows the specification of an unique and permanent object of an object and some additional information about the nature of the data object
ObjectReference This class refers to one ds:Reference element of the ds:SignedInfo corresponding with one data object qualified by this property. If some but not all the signed data objects share the same commitment, one ObjectReference element must appear for each one of them. However, if all the signed data objects share the same commitment, the AllSignedDataObjects empty element must be present.
ObjectReferenceCollection Collection class that derives from ArrayList. It provides the minimally required functionality to add instances of typed classes and obtain typed elements through a custom indexer.
OtherCertificate The OtherCertificate element is a placeholder for potential future new formats of certificates
OtherCertificateCollection Collection class that derives from ArrayList. It provides the minimally required functionality to add instances of typed classes and obtain typed elements through a custom indexer.
OtherRef Alternative forms of validation data can be included in this class
OtherRefCollection Collection class that derives from ArrayList. It provides the minimally required functionality to add instances of typed classes and obtain typed elements through a custom indexer.
OtherRefs This class contains a collection of OtherRefs
OtherValue This class provides a placeholder for other revocation information
OtherValueCollection Collection class that derives from ArrayList. It provides the minimally required functionality to add instances of typed classes and obtain typed elements through a custom indexer.
OtherValues This class contains a collection of OtherValues
QualifyingProperties The QualifyingProperties element acts as a container element for all the qualifying information that should be added to an XML signature
RevocationValues The RevocationValues element is used to hold the values of the revocation information which are to be shipped with the XML signature in case of an XML Advanced Electronic Signature with Extended Validation Data (XAdES-X-Long). This is a unsigned property that qualifies the signature. An XML electronic signature aligned with the present document MAY contain at most one RevocationValues element.
SPUri SPUri represents the URL where the copy of the Signature Policy may be obtained. The class derives from SigPolicyQualifier.
SPUserNotice SPUserNotice element is intended for being displayed whenever the signature is validated. The class derives from SigPolicyQualifier.
SigPolicyQualifier This class can contain additional information qualifying the signature policy identifier
SigPolicyQualifierCollection Collection class that derives from ArrayList. It provides the minimally required functionality to add instances of typed classes and obtain typed elements through a custom indexer.
SigPolicyQualifiers This class contains a collection of SigPolicyQualifiers
SignaturePolicyId The SignaturePolicyId element is an explicit and unambiguous identifier of a Signature Policy together with a hash value of the signature policy, so it can be verified that the policy selected by the signer is the one being used by the verifier. An explicit signature policy has a globally unique reference, which, in this way, is bound to an electronic signature by the signer as part of the signature calculation.
SignaturePolicyIdentifier This class contains an identifier of a signature policy
SignatureProductionPlace In some transactions the purported place where the signer was at the time of signature creation may need to be indicated. In order to provide this information a new property may be included in the signature. This property specifies an address associated with the signer at a particular geographical (e.g. city) location. This is a signed property that qualifies the signer. An XML electronic signature aligned with the present document MAY contain at most one SignatureProductionPlace element.
SignatureTimeStampCollection Collection class that derives from ArrayList. It provides the minimally required functionality to add instances of typed classes and obtain typed elements through a custom indexer.
SignedDataObjectProperties The SignedDataObjectProperties element contains properties that qualify some of the signed data objects
SignedProperties The SignedProperties element contains a number of properties that are collectively signed by the XMLDSIG signature
SignedSignatureProperties The properties that qualify the signature itself or the signer are included as content of the SignedSignatureProperties element
SignerRole According to what has been stated in the Introduction clause, an electronic signature produced in accordance with the present document incorporates: "a commitment that has been explicitly endorsed under a signature policy, at a given time, by a signer under an identifier, e.g. a name or a pseudonym, and optionally a role". While the name of the signer is important, the position of the signer within a company or an organization can be even more important. Some contracts may only be valid if signed by a user in a particular role, e.g. a Sales Director. In many cases who the sales Director really is, is not that important but being sure that the signer is empowered by his company to be the Sales Director is fundamental.
SigningCertificate This class has as purpose to provide the simple substitution of the certificate. It contains references to certificates and digest values computed on them
TimeStamp This class contains timestamp information
Transform The Transform element contains a single transformation
TransformCollection Collection class that derives from ArrayList. It provides the minimally required functionality to add instances of typed classes and obtain typed elements through a custom indexer.
Transforms The Transforms element contains a collection of transformations
UnsignedDataObjectProperties The UnsignedDataObjectProperties element may contain properties that qualify some of the signed data objects.
UnsignedDataObjectProperty This class contains properties that qualify some of the signed data objects. The signature generated by the signer does not cover the content of this element. This information is added for the shake of completeness and to cope with potential future needs for inclusion of such kind of properties.
UnsignedDataObjectPropertyCollection Collection class that derives from ArrayList. It provides the minimally required functionality to add instances of typed classes and obtain typed elements through a custom indexer.
UnsignedProperties The UnsignedProperties element contains a number of properties that are not signed by the XMLDSIG signature
UnsignedSignatureProperties UnsignedSignatureProperties may contain properties that qualify XML signature itself or the signer
XMLTimeStamp This class contains a timestamp encoded as XML
XadesObject This class represents the unique object of a XAdES signature that contains all XAdES information
XadesSignedXml Facade class for the XAdES signature library. The class inherits from the System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.SignedXml class and is backwards compatible with it, so this class can host xmldsig signatures and XAdES signatures. The property SignatureStandard will indicate the type of the signature: XMLDSIG or XAdES.