C# (CSharp) Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
DocumentationOperations Provides documentation against live objects for use in a REPL window.
ErrorListener The host can use this class to track for errors reported during script parsing and compilation. Hosting API counterpart for ErrorSink.
ScriptHost ScriptHost is collocated with ScriptRuntime in the same app-domain. The host can implement a derived class to consume some notifications and/or customize operations like TryGetSourceUnit,ResolveSourceUnit, etc. The areguments to the the constructor of the derived class are specified in ScriptRuntimeSetup instance that enters ScriptRuntime initialization. If the host is remote with respect to DLR (i.e. also with respect to ScriptHost) and needs to access objects living in its app-domain it can pass MarshalByRefObject as an argument to its ScriptHost subclass constructor.
ScriptIO Provides host-redirectable IO streams used by DLR languages for default IO.
ScriptRuntime Represents a Dynamic Language Runtime in Hosting API. Hosting API counterpart for ScriptDomainManager.