C# (CSharp) Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Insights.OutputClasses Namespace


Name Description
PSAlertRule Wrapps around the RuleGetResponse
PSAlertRuleNoDetails Wrapps around the RuleGetResponse
PSAlertRuleProperty Wrapps around the Rule class
PSAutoscaleSetting Wrapps around the AutoscaleSettingGetResponse and AutoscaleSettingResource
PSAvailabilityCollection Wraps around a list of Dimension objects to display them with indentation
PSEventData Wrapps around the EventData and exposes all the localized strings as invariant/localized properties
PSEventDataNoDetails Wrapps around the EventData and exposes all the localized strings as invariant/localized properties, but not all the details of the records
PSEventRuleCondition Wrapps around the ManagementEventRuleCondition class
PSLocalizableString Wraps around a list of Dimension objects to display them with indentation
PSLogProfile Wrapps around the ServiceDiagnosticSettings
PSLogSettings Wrapps around the LogSettings
PSManagementItemDescriptor Wrapps around the AlertRuleResource or RuleGetResponse

Allows for different types of outputs for the cmdlets, i.e. all the specific output types will implement this interface and the base cmdlet always returns lists of this type.

PSManagementItemDescriptorWithDetails Wrapps around the AlertRuleResource or RuleGetResponse

Allows for different types of outputs for the cmdlets, i.e. all the specific output types will implement this interface and the base cmdlet always returns lists of this type.

PSMetric Wrapps around the PSMetricNoDetails and exposes all the localized strings as invariant/localized properties
PSMetricDefinition Wraps around MetricDefinition to provide detailed data about it
PSMetricDefinitionNoDetails Wraps around MetricDefinition to provide summarized data about it
PSMetricNoDetails Wrapps around the Metric and exposes a summary of the properties properties
PSMetricSettings Wrapps around the MetricSettings
PSMetricTabularResult Represents a single value of a metric
PSMetricValue Wrapps around the MetricValue and exposes all the localized strings as invariant/localized properties
PSMetricValuesCollection Wraps around a list of PSMetricValue objects to display them with indentation
PSRetentionPolicy Wrapps around the ServiceDiagnosticSettings
PSServiceDiagnosticSettings Wrapps around the ServiceDiagnosticSettings
PSThresholdRuleCondition Wrapps around the ThresholdRuleCondition class
PSToStringExtensions Extensions to the ToString methods to allow for indentation to be added when displying the results
PSUsageMetric Wrapps around the UsageMetric and exposes a summary of the properties properties