C# (CSharp) MageDefenderDeluxe.ParticleEngine Namespace


Name Description
BloodParticleSystem Custom particle system for creating a flame effect.
ParticleEmitter Helper for objects that want to leave particles behind them as they move around the world. This emitter implementation solves two related problems: If an object wants to create particles very slowly, less than once per frame, it can be a pain to keep track of which updates ought to create a new particle versus which should not. If an object is moving quickly and is creating many particles per frame, it will look ugly if these particles are all bunched up together. Much better if they can be spread out along a line between where the object is now and where it was on the previous frame. This is particularly important for leaving trails behind fast moving objects such as rockets. This emitter class keeps track of a moving object, remembering its previous position so it can calculate the velocity of the object. It works out the perfect locations for creating particles at any frequency you specify, regardless of whether this is faster or slower than the game update rate.
ParticleSettings Settings class describes all the tweakable options used to control the appearance of a particle system.
ParticleSystem The main component in charge of displaying particles.
PoisonParticleSystem Custom particle system for creating a flame effect.
PressStartParticleSystem Custom particle system for creating a flame effect.
SlowParticleSystem Custom particle system for creating a flame effect.
SpellExplosionParticleSystem Custom particle system for creating the fiery part of the explosions.