C# (CSharp) Lucene.Net.QueryParsers.Xml.Builders Namespace


Name Description
BooleanFilterBuilder Builder for BooleanFilter
BooleanQueryBuilder Builder for BooleanQuery
BoostingTermBuilder Builder for PayloadTermQuery
ConstantScoreQueryBuilder Builder for ConstantScoreQuery
DisjunctionMaxQueryBuilder Builder for DisjunctionMaxQuery
DuplicateFilterBuilder Builder for DuplicateFilter
FilteredQueryBuilder Builder for FilteredQuery
FuzzyLikeThisQueryBuilder Builder for FuzzyLikeThisQuery
LikeThisQueryBuilder Builder for MoreLikeThisQuery
MatchAllDocsQueryBuilder Builder for MatchAllDocsQuery
NumericRangeFilterBuilder Creates a NumericRangeFilter. The table below specifies the required attributes and the defaults if optional attributes are omitted. For more detail on what each of the attributes actually do, consult the documentation for NumericRangeFilter: Attribute name Values Required Default fieldName String Yes N/A lowerTerm Specified by type Yes N/A upperTerm Specified by type Yes N/A type int, long, float, double No int includeLower true, false No true includeUpper true, false No true precisionStep int No 4 If an error occurs parsing the supplied lowerTerm or upperTerm into the numeric type specified by type, then the error will be silently ignored and the resulting filter will not match any documents.
NumericRangeQueryBuilder Creates a NumericRangeQuery. The table below specifies the required attributes and the defaults if optional attributes are omitted. For more detail on what each of the attributes actually do, consult the documentation for NumericRangeQuery: Attribute name Values Required Default fieldName String Yes N/A lowerTerm Specified by type Yes N/A upperTerm Specified by type Yes N/A type int, long, float, double No int includeLower true, false No true includeUpper true, false No true precisionStep int No 4 A ParserException will be thrown if an error occurs parsing the supplied lowerTerm or upperTerm into the numeric type specified by type.
SpanBuilderBase Base class for building Search.Spans.SpanQuerys
SpanFirstBuilder Builder for SpanFirstQuery
SpanNearBuilder Builder for SpanNearQuery
SpanNotBuilder Builder for SpanNotQuery
SpanOrTermsBuilder Builder that analyzes the text into a SpanOrQuery
SpanQueryBuilderFactory Factory for ISpanQueryBuilders
SpanTermBuilder Builder for SpanTermQuery
TermQueryBuilder Builder for TermQuery
TermsQueryBuilder Builds a BooleanQuery from all of the terms found in the XML element using the choice of analyzer
UserInputQueryBuilder UserInputQueryBuilder uses 1 of 2 strategies for thread-safe parsing: 1) Synchronizing access to "Parse" calls on a previously supplied QueryParser or.. 2) creating a new QueryParser object for each parse request