C# (CSharp) Lucene.Net.Codecs.BlockTerms Namespace


Name Description
BlockTermsReader Handles a terms dict, but decouples all details of doc/freqs/positions reading to an instance of {@link PostingsReaderBase}. This class is reusable for codecs that use a different format for docs/freqs/positions (though codecs are also free to make their own terms dict impl). This class also interacts with an instance of {@link TermsIndexReaderBase}, to abstract away the specific implementation of the terms dict index. @lucene.experimental
BlockTermsReader.FieldAndTerm Used as a key for the terms cache
FixedGapTermsIndexReader TermsIndexReader for simple every Nth terms indexes See FixedGapTermsIndexWriter lucene.experimental
TermsIndexReaderBase TODO - allow for non-regular index intervals? eg with a long string of rare terms, you don't need such frequent indexing {@link BlockTermsReader} interacts with an instance of this class to manage its terms index. The writer must accept indexed terms (many pairs of BytesRef text + long fileOffset), and then this reader must be able to retrieve the nearest index term to a provided term text. @lucene.experimental */
TermsIndexReaderBase.FieldIndexEnum Similar to TermsEnum, except, the only "metadata" it reports for a given indexed term is the long fileOffset into the main terms dictionary file.
TestFixedGapPostingsFormat Basic tests of a PF using FixedGap terms dictionary
VariableGapTermsIndexReader See VariableGapTermsIndexWriter lucene.experimental
VariableGapTermsIndexWriter Selects index terms according to provided pluggable {@link IndexTermSelector}, and stores them in a prefix trie that's loaded entirely in RAM stored as an FST. This terms index only supports unsigned byte term sort order (unicode codepoint order when the bytes are UTF8). @lucene.experimental
VariableGapTermsIndexWriter.EveryNOrDocFreqTermSelector Sets an index term when docFreq >= docFreqThresh, or every interval terms. This should reduce seek time to high docFreq terms.
VariableGapTermsIndexWriter.IndexTermSelector Hook for selecting which terms should be placed in the terms index IsIndexTerm for each term in that field NewField is called at the start of each new field @lucene.experimental