C# (CSharp) Lidgren.Network.Authentication Namespace


Name Description
Handshake Handshake concentrates all SRPFunctions and SRPPacketData objects
NetSRP Library of SRP Functions used in SRP protocol. Refs: http://srp.stanford.edu/design.html http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-tls-srp-09.txt Required Credit to Tom Wu for the SRP algo: "This product uses the 'Secure Remote Password' cryptographic authentication system developed by Tom Wu ([email protected])." Note: Method naming follows the SRP6 naming of variables which may be a single upper case or lower case character. This allows a reader to more easily follow the protocol at the expense of non-standard method naming convension.
NetSRP.HandShakeException Exception thrown as part of the authentication
NetSRP.Packet Base class for SRP Packets
NetSRP.Request This is the Secure Remote Password Protocol Request object. If Claire is someone that tries to connect, then Claire's username and a random runtime-generated public key is packed into this packet.
NetSRP.Response This is the Secure Remote Password Protocol Response object. Remember Claire? She has send a request to Bob, the one she want to connect to. When Bob receives Claire's username and public Key, he will send Claire her personal Salt and a random runtime-generated public key.
NetSRP.State This object holds the local cache for generated values of the private and public key and for the username/password, session key and keybytes.
NetSRP.Verification This is the Secure Remote Password Protocol Verification object. Claire and Bob need to validate all their computed and received information. So, they use all their information on both ends to validate all the information on the opposed end.
NetUtility Utility methods