C# (CSharp) LibNoise.Transformer Namespace


Name Description
Displace Noise module that uses three source modules to displace each coordinate of the input value before returning the output value from a source module. Roles in the displacement operation: - SourceModule outputs a value. - XDisplaceModule specifies the offset to apply to the x coordinate of the input value. - YDisplaceModule specifies the offset to apply to the y coordinate of the input value. - YDisplaceModule specifies the offset to apply to the z coordinate of the input value. The GetValue() method modifies the ( x, y, z ) coordinates of the input value using the output values from the three displacement modules before retrieving the output value from the source module. The Turbulence noise module is a special case of the displacement module; internally, there are three Perlin-noise modules that perform the displacement operation.
RotatePoint Noise module that rotates the input value around the origin before returning the output value from a source module. The GetValue() method rotates the coordinates of the input value around the origin before returning the output value from the source module. To set the rotation angles, call the SetAngles() method. To set the rotation angle around the individual x, y, or z axes, set the XAngle, YAngle or ZAngle properties, respectively. The coordinate system of the input value is assumed to be "left-handed" (x increases to the right, y increases upward, and z increases inward.)
ScalePoint Noise module that scales the coordinates of the input value before returning the output value from a source module. The GetValue() method multiplies the (x, y, z) coordinates of the input value with a scaling factor before returning the output value from the source module.
TranslatePoint Noise module that moves the coordinates of the input value before returning the output value from a source module. The GetValue() method moves the ( x, y, z ) coordinates of the input value by a translation amount before returning the output value from the source module.
Turbulence Noise module that randomly displaces the input value before returning the output value from a source module. Turbulence is the pseudo-random displacement of the input value. The GetValue() method randomly displaces the ( x, y, z ) coordinates of the input value before retrieving the output value from the source module. The power of the turbulence determines the scaling factor that is applied to the displacement amount. To specify the power, use the Power property. Use of this noise module may require some trial and error. Assuming that you are using a generator module as the source module, you should first set the power to the reciprocal of the frequency. Displacing the input values result in more realistic terrain and textures. If you are generating elevations for terrain height maps, you can use this noise module to produce more realistic mountain ranges or terrain features that look like flowing lava rock. If you are generating values for textures, you can use this noise module to produce realistic marble-like or "oily" textures. Internally, there are three noise modules that displace the input value; one for the x, one for the y, and one for the z coordinate.