C# (CSharp) LibNoise.Builder Namespace


Name Description
NoiseMapBuilder Abstract base class for a noise-map builder A builder class builds a noise map by filling it with coherent-noise values generated from the surface of a three-dimensional mathematical object. Each builder class defines a specific three-dimensional surface, such as a cylinder, sphere, or plane. A builder class describes these input values using a coordinate system applicable for the mathematical object (e.g., a latitude/longitude coordinate system for the spherical noise-map builder.) It then "flattens" these coordinates onto a plane so that it can write the coherent-noise values into a two-dimensional noise map. Building the Noise Map To build the noise map, perform the following steps: - Pass the bounding coordinates to the SetBounds() method. - Pass the noise map size, in points, to the SetDestSize() method. - Pass a NoiseMap object to the SetDestNoiseMap() method. - Pass a noise module (derived from Noise.Module) to the SetSourceModule() method. - Call the Build() method. You may also pass a callback function to the SetCallback() method. The Build() method calls this callback function each time it fills a row of the noise map with coherent-noise values. This callback function has a single integer parameter that contains a count of the rows that have been completed. It returns void. Note that SetBounds() is not defined in the abstract base class; it is only defined in the derived classes. This is because each model uses a different coordinate system.
NoiseMapBuilderCylinder Builds a cylindrical noise map. This class builds a noise map by filling it with coherent-noise values generated from the surface of a cylinder. This class describes these input values using an (angle, height) coordinate system. After generating the coherent-noise value from the input value, it then "flattens" these coordinates onto a plane so that it can write the values into a two-dimensional noise map. The cylinder model has a radius of 1.0 unit and has infinite height. The cylinder is oriented along the y axis. Its center is at the origin. The x coordinate in the noise map represents the angle around the cylinder's y axis. The y coordinate in the noise map represents the height above the x-z plane. The application must provide the lower and upper angle bounds of the noise map, in degrees, and the lower and upper height bounds of the noise map, in units.
NoiseMapBuilderPlane Builds a planar noise map. This class builds a noise map by filling it with coherent-noise values generated from the surface of a plane. This class describes these input values using (x, z) coordinates. Their y coordinates are always 0.0. The application must provide the lower and upper x coordinate bounds of the noise map, in units, and the lower and upper z coordinate bounds of the noise map, in units. To make a tileable noise map with no seams at the edges, use the Seamless property.
NoiseMapBuilderSphere Builds a spherical noise map. This class builds a noise map by filling it with coherent-noise values generated from the surface of a sphere. This class describes these input values using a (latitude, longitude) coordinate system. After generating the coherent-noise value from the input value, it then "flattens" these coordinates onto a plane so that it can write the values into a two-dimensional noise map. The sphere model has a radius of 1.0 unit. Its center is at the origin. The x coordinate in the noise map represents the longitude. The y coordinate in the noise map represents the latitude. The application must provide the southern, northern, western, and eastern bounds of the noise map, in degrees.
ShapeFilter Shape filter.
ShapeFilter.LevelCache A simple 2d-coordinates struct used as a cached value