Name |
Description |
ArgsBuilder |
BlockDispatcher |
BlockDispatcherN |
CallArguments |
Wraps the arguments of a dynamic call site Includes the actual arguments, the expressions that produced those arguments, and the call signature. These three things are grouped together to ensure that they are all in sync when we want to shift the arguments around during the method binding process. |
InteropBinder |
InteropBinder.BinaryOperation |
InteropBinder.Convert |
InteropBinder.CreateInstance |
InteropBinder.GetIndex |
InteropBinder.GetMember |
InteropBinder.Invoke |
Attempts to invoke the member, falls back to InvokeMember("call") |
InteropBinder.InvokeMember |
InteropBinder.Return |
InteropBinder.SetIndex |
InteropBinder.SetIndexedProperty |
InteropBinder.SetMember |
InteropBinder.SetMemberExact |
InteropBinder.Splat |
Tries convert to IList. If the covnersion is not implemented by the target meta-object wraps it into an object[]. |
InteropBinder.TryGetMemberExact |
GetMember with a fallback that returns OperationFailed singleton. No name mangling is performed. |
InteropBinder.UnaryOperation |
LibraryOverload |
LibraryOverloadInfo |
LibraryVariadicOverloadInfo |
MemberGroupBuilder |
MemberGroupBuilder.ClrOverloadInfo |
MetaObjectBuilder |
RubyAttributeAccessorInfo |
RubyAttributeReaderInfo |
RubyAttributeWriterInfo |
RubyBinder |
RubyCallAction |
RubyCustomMethodInfo |
RubyEventInfo |
RubyFieldInfo |
RubyLambdaMethodInfo |
RubyLibraryMethodInfo |
Performs method binding for calling CLR methods. Currently this is used for all builtin libary methods and interop calls to CLR methods |
RubyMetaObject |
RubyMethodBody |
Represents a Ruby method body AST. Multiple RubyMethodInfos can share the same instance. |
RubyMethodGroupBase |
Performs method binding for calling CLR methods. Currently this is used for all builtin libary methods and interop calls to CLR methods |
RubyMethodGroupInfo |
A group of CLR methods that are treated as a single Ruby method. |
RubyMethodInfo |
RubyOverloadResolver |
RubyOverloadResolver.ImplicitInstanceBuilder |
RubyOverloadResolver.MissingBlockArgBuilder |
RubyOverloadResolver.RubyCallSiteStorageBuilder |
RubyOverloadResolver.RubyClassCtorArgBuilder |
RubyOverloadResolver.RubyContextArgBuilder |
RubyOverloadResolver.RubyScopeArgBuilder |
RubyScopeMethodMissingInfo |
RuleGenerators |
SuperCallAction |
VersionHandle |
VisibilityContext |