C# (CSharp) Hpdi.VssLogicalLib Namespace


Name Description
SimpleIniReader A very simple .INI file reader that does not require or support sections.
VssAction Base class for VSS revision action descriptions.
VssAddAction Represents a VSS project/file add action.
VssArchiveAction Represents a VSS archive action.
VssBranchAction Represents a VSS file branch action.
VssCreateAction Represents a VSS project/file create action.
VssDatabase Represents a VSS database and provides access to the items it contains.
VssDatabaseFactory Factory for obtaining VssDatabase instances.
VssDeleteAction Represents a VSS project/file delete action.
VssDestroyAction Represents a VSS project/file destroy action.
VssEditAction Represents a VSS file edit action.
VssFile Represents a VSS file.
VssFileRevision Represents a revision of a VSS file.
VssItemName Represents the name of a VSS item.
VssLabelAction Represents a VSS label action.
VssMoveFromAction Represents a VSS project move-from action.
VssMoveToAction Represents a VSS project move-to action.
VssNamedAction Base class for VSS project actions that target a particular item.
VssPathException Exception thrown when an invalid VSS path is used.
VssPinAction Represents a VSS file pin/unpin action.
VssProjectRevision Represents a revision of a VSS project.
VssRecoverAction Represents a VSS project/file recover action.
VssRenameAction Represents a VSS project/file rename action.
VssRestoreAction Represents a VSS restore from archive action.
VssRevision Base class for revisions to a VSS item.
VssShareAction Represents a VSS file share action.