C# (CSharp) Helper Namespace


Name Description
AdvancedConstants Class extend DifficulityConstants and contains constant of the Advanced Difficulity.
Constants Class holding different constant of the game.
DelayedAction Class used to allaw delay between successive key event.
Event Class repersentign event. each event has a uniqe id and it may contains args.
Helper Helper class
Logger Logger class provides logging in standard and custom formats at different verbosity levels and custom output options.
MonsterConstants Class containing the monster constants.
MonsterLevel2Constants Class that extends MonsterConstants Class, contains the constants for monster type 2.
MonsterLevel3Constants Class that extends MonsterConstants Class, contains the constants for monster type 3.
MonsterLevel4Constants Class that extends MonsterConstants Class, contains the constants for monster type 4.
NoviceConstants Class extend DifficulityConstants and contains constant of the Novice Difficulity.
TokenCloudCredentialsHelper Helper for TokenCloudCredentials
XtremeConstants Class extend DifficulityConstants and contains constant of the extreme Difficulity.