C# (CSharp) Helios.Util Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
AtomicCounter Class used for atomic counters and increments. Used inside the FSM{TS,TD} and in parts of Akka.Remote.
AtomicCounterLong Atomic counter that uses longs internally
Guard Guard class for protecting against stupid input
InternalThreadLocalMap The internal data structure that stores the thread-local variables for Netty and all {@link FastThreadLocal}s. Note that this class is for internal use only and is subject to change at any time. Use {@link FastThreadLocal} unless you know what you are doing.
IpHelper Used to help with determining the correct AddressFamily to specify when binding to a Socket.
StandardOutWriter This class contains methods for thread safe writing to the standard output stream.
ThreadLocalRandom Create random numbers with Thread-specific seeds. Borrowed form Jon Skeet's brilliant C# in Depth: http://csharpindepth.com/Articles/Chapter12/Random.aspx