C# (CSharp) Glare.Graphics.Terrains.Planar.Components Namespace


Name Description
ClipTerrainComponent Perform node clipping on the terrain. Each TerrainTreeNode is sent to a clipping function which returns Containment; if it returns Containment.Contains, then the node is in view. If it returns Containment.Intersects, then the node intersects with an edge (and therefore any deeper nodes need to be tested). If it returns Containment.Disjoint, then the node is completely out of view.
ColorTerrainComponent Provides a color layer to the terrain.
DistanceLodTerrainComponent A TerrainComponent that blends between LOD levels based on the distance of the viewer from the terrain node.
HeightTerrainComponent Provides a heightmap layer to the terrain.
LayerTerrainComponent A TerrainComponent that provides a texture layer.
NormalTerrainComponent Provides a texture layer that has a surface normal.