C# (CSharp) GitForce Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
ClassPutty Manage PuTTY, PLink and PuttyGen utilities. This class should be instantiated on Windows OS only.
ClassSSH Manage SSH access. This class should be instantiated on Linux OS only.
ClassTabCheck Contains code to check files for TABs and EOL spaces. Implements the optional functionality enabled by a checkbox in the Settings->Files
ClassUtils Contains various utility functions
ClassVersion This class implements the version related functions. It also checks for a new version of the program off the web.
ControlDirtyHelper This class is a static helper class that simply marks a tag field of a calling control with a non-empty value. It should be called on text/value/state changed event of a control when the set operation may be expensive (such are calling git to set configuration parameters)
Exec Contains functions to execute external console applications. Standard streams (stdout/stderr) are captured and returned. Command shell is not invoked as that would prevent capturing the streams. Internally, the invocation is asynchronous.
ExecResult * Simple case: execute one command: Run() returns when the command completes return structure including the stdout safety built-in: self-terminate if there is no response within some time * More complex case: AsyncRun() command takes more time: asynchronous execution with a completion callback callbacks for stdout and stderr can terminate execution from another thread: Terminate()
FormShowChangelist Shows a changelist or stash with the ability to "walk" the chain. Returns "DialogResult.No" to load a previous change Returns "DialogResult.Yes" to load a next change Otherwise returns "DialogResult.Cancel"
RichTextBoxEx Courtesy of: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/edit/RichTextBoxLinks.aspx
TreeViewEx Yet another TreeViewEx control, written to be suitable for this project. Adds to the standard TreeView the following features: * Multi-selection via new property SelectedNodes[] * Deep selection: recursive selection into children nodes Important: Instead of "nodes.Clear()", call this NodesClear() function!